US, 2014, 121 minutes, Colour.
Kevin Costner , Octavia Spencer, Jillian Estelle, Anthony Mackie, Andre Holland, Jennifer Ehle, Gillian Jacobs, Paula Newsome.
Directed by Mike Binder.
Black or White is a serious film about family issues. As the title suggests, it is also a film about American racism. The comment was made that initially the film was called Black and White but changed to the more effective use of “or”.
The film is a personal project for Kevin Costner, investing, in being a producer, taking the central role. The screenplay was written by the director Mike Binder, with whom Costner had worked in The Upside of Anger. The film also features Oscar-winner for The Help, Octavia Spencer. There is strong support from Anthony Mackie as the family lawyer and Andre Holland as the crack-addict father. The little girl at the centre of the custody case is played well by Jillian Estelle. Jennifer Ehle appears briefly into flashback sequences.
At the core of the film is a custody case, Kevin Costner as the grandfather who has helped bring up the little girl wanting custody while the family of the father, led by Octavia Spencer, fight for custody.
The key to the film is in a speech in court by Costner raising the situation above racial issues to family issues and responsibility.
1. The title? Black and white? Black or white?
2. Kevin Costner and his involvement, investment, concern about issues? Performance?
3. An American story, White Americans, African- Americans? Impact within the US? Outside?
4. The situation, characters? Audiences identifying?
5. Characters both good and bad aspects of character, with flaws, the possibility of acknowledgement of flaws, change? The impact on children?
6. The prologue, Carol, her momentary flashback appearance, the apparition in the swimming pool? Her death, the accident? Elliott, the impact, with his friend, Rick, support and advice, concerned about Eloise? At home, his drinking, waking him up, preparing her for school, taking her, lost trying to find the school? In the afternoon, in the park, explaining what it happened? The situation for Eloise, her mother dying in childbirth? Her father a crack addict and leaving? His family and the links with him? Her wanting to stay with her grandfather?
7. Elliott, his work, his friend, his reaction to Fay, her attempt to give a gift? At home?
8. The funeral, the wake, his reactions? Rowena and the family present? The situation between the two families? The tension? Visits? Reactions?
9. Elliott and his interview Duvan? Duvan and his credentials, the range of papers, the range of subjects? The tutorials with Elliott and Eloise, mathematics? His accompanying Elliott on the visits?
10. The custody issue, Reggie and his family, the influence of Rowena? The different stances?
11. Going to court, the judge, the petitions, the interviews, the speeches? Audiences taking sides?
12. The race issues, the family issues?
13. Rowena, her strong influence? Her concern about her son? Granddaughter?
14. Reggie, his history, abandoning his family, crack addict, taking money from Elliott? The clashes with Elliott, the arguments, taunting Elliott about his drinking, the fight,, Reggie upstairs, saving Elliott’s life after Elliott imagining his wife saving him from the pool?
15. The effect on Elliott, his powerful speech in the court, putting aside race issues, focusing on human issues, irrespective of colour?
16. Rowena’s brother, as lawyer, his presentations in court, attack on Elliott?
17. The decision, Reggie and his acknowledging the truth, forfeiting his claims to Eloise, the possibility of change? Going to rehabilitation?
18. Elliott, the victory, Rowena’s intervention and agreeing with Elliott to have Eloise? Elliott deciding to go to dry out, entrusting Eloise to Rowena and the family?
19. The final impact, United States, racial tensions, family tensions, drug and alcohol? And the significance for the influence on children?