US, 1999, 97 minutes, Colour.
Bruce Willis, Michelle Pfeiffer, Tim Matheson,
Directed by Rob Reiner.
As might be derived from the title, this is the story of a marriage. This is the perspective of the end of the 20th century, a century which has encouraged people to reflect on themselves, on love, on commitment and marriage – as well as highlighting the failures of so many marriages and consequent divorce with repercussions on the husbands and wives themselves, as well as on the children.
The film was directed by actor, Rob Reiner, best known for the son in All in the Family. He had an extensive career as a director, with a number of hits including When Harry Met Sally as well as the Stephen King thriller, Misery.
At this stage of their lives and careers, the two stars were 40 plus or minus, Bruce Willis having made an impact on television and made an extraordinary transition to the movies, becoming something of a superstar. Michelle Pfeiffer was almost 40 and also had strong status at this time as a movie star.
This means the performances are interesting but also the impact of the screen presence of the stars, audiences identifying with the performers and therefore being drawn into the action of the film itself, Bruce Willis and his laid-back approach, Michelle Pfeiffer a touch more intense – which means then that this is a film of interest about commitment and the breakdown of marriage.
1. The tone of the title? We and us? Marriage, love, sharing, breakdown?
2. The strength of the cast? Their reputations at the time of the film’s release? The career of Rob Reiner and his films?
3. The structure, the different times, the screenplay moving backwards and forwards? The present and the breakup, the memories and the cumulative effect of Ben and Katie’s life together, inter-cutting the episodes? The comment on each other?
4. The two at work, the jokes, the attraction, falling in love, going out, sharing, the excitement, an exuberant love?
5. The children, their birth, happy family, the glimpses, the children growing up?
6. The present, audiences observing the couple’s behaviour, at home, in front of the children, school, the celebration of the anniversary and its failure?
7. Ben, his love for Katie, becoming neglectful, insensitive over the years, his devotion to the family, his work, listening Katie or not?
8. Katie, her life, becoming hard, feeling alone, Ben’s sensitivity, falling out of love, covering for the sake of the family?
9. Her decision to oust Ben, his reaction, his living alone, the various phone calls, seeing the loneliness of each, the visits?
10. The comic theme of the parents, their influence, the surreal scene of both sets of parents in bed, the jokes, Katie’s mother and her being serious? Ben saying she was becoming like her mother?
11. Katie, her friends, the meals together, chatter, talking about sexuality, about divorce, their own experiences?
12. The separation but the visits, talking, concerned about the children and camp, the meals, his visit, Ben’s negative reaction?
13. The kids going to camp, taking them to the bus, Ben driving slowly behind the truck, Katie’s tension? The phone contact with children, their pride in the children?
14. Going to meet them, coming back, the reconciliation between the two, credible? Seeming easy after the separation? The importance of couples trying to reconcile?