UK, 2014, 72 minutes, Colour.
Tom Hollander, Essie Davies, Phoebe Fox, Ewen Bremner.
Directed by Aisling Walsh.
The poet of the title was the Welsh Dylan Thomas, celebrated in his lifetime for his distinct, use of language and rhythms, his down-to-earth themes as well as his imagination and fantasy, and his achievement in his play, Under Milkwood.
This film is very brief yet covers a lot of Dylan Thomas’s life, the framework being his last visit to New York, under the auspices of his agent Brinnin (Ewan Bremner) and his associate Liz, (Phoebe Fox). Dylan Thomas is played by Tom Hollander, in the last weeks of his life in New York, aged 39, drinking, with cirrhosis of the liver, unfaithful to his wife at home, being sick, having blackouts, cortisone injections, giving readings of his poetry as well as a reading performance of Under Milkwood.
There are quite a few flashbacks to his life back in Wales, his marriage to the fiery dancer, Caitlin (Essie Davis), their children, the detail of the home life, his difficulties in writing at home, his passionate love for Caitlin despite his infidelities. At the end, she is called to visit him in the hospital in New York, still passionate for him, a tantrum of clinging to him as he died.
While the film celebrates his achievement, there is great regret at his ruining his life, at his early death. It was written by the celebrated adapter of so many novels on Jane Austen, Dickens, Tolstoy, Andrew Davies.The film was directed for television by Irish director, Aisliing Walsh, a prolific director of television films but also of other films including two on sexual abuse in Ireland, Sinners and Song For a Raggy Boy.
1. A film about Dylan Thomas, his poetry, love of language, reputation? his drinking, his infidelity, his death at 39? Audience knowledge of Dylan Thomas and his work?
2. A brief telling of his story, the focus on Dylan Thomas in New York, the friendship with Brinnin and with Liz, the New York sequences, performance, Society gatherings, after-performance parties, the bars? The contrast with Wales, the coast, the beaches, the house? The musical score?
3. The inclusion of recitations of Thomas’s poems throughout the film? The verbal power? Tom Hollander’s recitation? The poem of going into the dark good night, his father’s illness and death? The rehearsals and performance of Under Milkwood?
4. The flashbacks, Thomas as a little boy, the children chasing and persecuting him, his difficulty in breathing, the effect on him? Growing up, his relationship with his mother and father, his father stern and not wanting to give him any money, especially for drinking, talking about his reputation? His intimations of regret about his marriage? His bequest to his son and admiration for his skills? His mother, indulgent, winking at him?
5. Caitlin, his story of falling in love with her, the marriage, her pregnancy, the children? On the beach, showing her the house, having the key? The donation from an admirer? Her background in dancing, her moodiness, her domination of her husband, his trying to write, her tidying the house? Her tantrums, with Brinnin and the visitors? His trying to persuade her that he should go to New York? Her visit and disliking it? Her coming to him when he was ill, her behaviour at the hospital, her desperate love, clinging to him?
6. Brinnin, as an agent, meeting Thomas, supporting him, and admiring the performances, and announcing him even as he had been vomiting? Applause? Arranging the tours? Dylan and his insulting him, saying that Brinnin had him on a leash? Liz reprimanding him? The embrace and his apology? His going to the rival agent? Brinnin and his visits to Wales and meeting Caitlin and trying to persuade Dylan to go to America? The promise of meeting Stravinsky? The collaboration? Liz remarking that Brinnin was in love with Thomas?
7. Liz, devotion to Dylan, the sexual relationship, her being a mother, pharmacist, nanny? The continued support? The disappointment at his rudeness to Brinnin? His carrying on with other women? Meeting them at parties, seductive invitations, especially the sequence with the Countess?
8. Brinnin and Liz at the hospital, mourning his death?
9. The doctor and his pharmaceutical support, cortisone injections? The other admirers, fawning on Thomas, suggesting available women?
10. A portrait and a glimpse of a significant poet, his talent, yet his drinking himself to illness and death?