US, 2004, 114 minutes, Colour.
Josh Hartnett, Rose Byrne, Matthew Lillard, Diane Kruger, Jessica Pare.
Directed by Paul Mc Guigan.
Paul Mc Guigan has directed a somewhat strange range of films, Scottish realism in Acid Trip, London Mob violence in Gangster No. 1 and the Middle Ages in The Reckoning. Now he tries his hand at his first American film which is, in fact, a remake of the 90s French psychological thriller, The Apartment. It has been transferred to Chicago and its Wicker Park.
This is a difficult film to follow as it shifts in time, probing memories and creating its narrative in jigsaw puzzle fashion, scattering the pieces and relying on players to find the connections. What initially seemed an unkind remark by one reviewer – that the protagonists should have made more use of their mobile phones to get in touch with each other – actually seems a very sensible suggestion. But, of course, that would have meant quite another film.
The focus is on Josh Hartnett, usually a sombre screen presence and this is no exception. The object of his infatuation is a dancer played by Diane Kruger (National Treasure and Helen in Troy). Her best friend is played by Australian Rose Byrne (also in Troy). While she is in a relationship with Matthew Lillard (whose bewilderment at times mirrors that of the audience), she has set her sights on Josh Hartnett. Like many a psychological puzzle, when the picture is put together, it seems far less of a mystery and, in fact, might seem fairly straightforward, even obvious. This is the impact of Wicker Park – puzzle over the puzzle, admire the visual style, but then wonder whether it was quite worth the effort.
1. A romantic drama? Mystery?
2. Chicago, landscapes, apartments, offices, the world of dance, theatre? The musical score?
3. The complexity of the time periods, the screenplay moving back and forth? The insertion of flashbacks at key dramatic moments?
4. Matthew’s story, his age and experience, relationships, photographer, his friendship with Luke? The encounter with Lisa, falling in love, the relationship, the meetings, his proposal, her reaction, missing out on the appointment? His puzzle, memories of love, time, Lisa’s disappearance?
5. Two years passing, his fiancee, her business connections, his new job, social atmosphere, the plan for him to go to Shanghai? The restaurant, the dinner, going to the phone, hearing Lisa, the chase?
6. His pretence of going to China, phone calls, tracking Lisa, finding Alex, changing his ticket? Leaving notes?
7. Lisa and dance, her character, her background, the meeting, the attraction, their time together, special? The proposal, her fear, her disappearance? Her career, the years, the prospect of going to Europe?
8. Alex, in the apartment, the mystery woman, the flashbacks, her seeing Lisa and helping her, their becoming friends, her acting career, the relationship with Luke, the rehearsals, performance? In the apartment, saying she was a nurse, deceiving Matthew, seductive, the sexual encounter? Taking on Lisa’s identity?
9. Luke, his work, shop, the shoes, Lisa and the shoes, Matthew serving her, the shoes in the apartment, Alex? His enthusiasm about Alex? His going to the theatre, persuading Matthew to come?
10. The revelations about Alex, her contriving situations, over several years, the flashbacks and explanation, her obsession, behaviour, stalking Matthew, deceiving him, deceiving Lisa, her performance, not wanting Matthew to see her, turning away?
11. Lisa, about to leave, the phone calls, the connection, the note? The traffic, Matthew hurrying, reunited?
12. The impact of the story because of its complex storytelling – how would it be had it been simply straightforward and linear?