US, 2015, 111 minutes, Colour.
Chiwitel Ejiofor, Nicole Kidman, Julia Roberts, Dean Norris, Michael Kelly, Alfred Molina, Joe Cole.
Directed by Billy Ray.
This is a crime story, a police story, a police investigation – with several personal dimensions. The complex plot is very interesting in itself and the interactions of the central characters.
Film buffs will remember that the original film was Argentinian and won the Oscar for Best Foreign Language Film for 2009. The film buffs will be busy making comparisons, tending always to think that a remake is less effective than the original. But most audiences do not have access to Argentinian films and many avoid films with subtitles, so this version will be the main one that they will see.
While the film opens in 2015, much of the action takes place 13 years earlier, in the aftermath of 9/11.
Chiwitel Ejiofor plays Ray, a former FBI agent who has been searching for his suspect for the murder in 2002. When he thinks he has identified a man, after searching for all these years, and now in private investigation practice, he returns to Los Angeles to pursue the suspect. On his return, after being out of contact for these 13 years, he encounters once more the now DA, Claire, played by Nicole Kidman, who had joined the force when he had back then. Much of the action, and tension, of the film is the interplay between the two, the gradual revelation of the attraction in the past, the relationship, their working together, and the passion of his return, for the case and for her.
The other central character is a woman who works for the police force, Jess (Julia Roberts) whose daughter had been murdered at the time. She grieves for her daughter, but now wants to leave the investigation alone. At the time, distraught, she tells her colleagues that she does not believe in capital punishment, that it is too quick for such monstrous crimes and that what is important is that a killer lives day by day imprisoned to pay for the crime.
On the one hand, a lot of the film shows the investigation, initially hampered by the police chief, Alfred Molina, who is preoccupied with threats to Los Angeles, terrorist threats after 9/11, with contacts inside a local mosque. He sees these investigations as a priority and does not put push forward with the murder investigation. There are several leads, the taking of a suspect – during a ball game in the Super Bowl, tour-de-force sequence as the camera is in the sky outside the stadium, gradually goes over the rim, descends, sees action within the Bowl, and then ascends out and away.
For those who have not seen the original film, the ending will come as a surprise, involving the three characters in a way not anticipated. This involves the relationship between Ray and Claire, Claire’s role as the DA, Jess and the final resolution of what happened to the suspect. And the film ends, not with a pat answer but in mid-action, leaving the audience to ponder the strengths and weaknesses of each character and asking themselves what they would do in similar circumstances.
The film was adapted in directed by Billy Ray, writer and director of two very interesting films, Shattered Glass about publishing and journalists’ sources and Breach, the story of the rogue agent who betrayed US secrets to the Russians.
1. Crime story? Police story? Investigation? Personal dimensions?
2. The original, Oscar-winning? This remake and adaptation, making it an American story from an Argentinian story?
3. The title, with reference to each of the central characters, with reference to the killer?
4. The importance of the time shifts, 2015, Ray returning, the investigation, the reunion? Memories of 2002, the crime, the aftermath of 9/11, California, the police and concerned about terrorism in’s LA? The personal meetings again? The audience gradually understanding the previous relationships?
5. Ray, poring over the photos, drawing a conclusion, after 13 years? Going to LA, private investigation? His motivations, meeting Claire, her role as DA, her husband and their life? The discussions, tentative? The meeting with Jess, continuing her work, the past sadness? Meeting Bump again and remembering his collaboration in the past? Meeting Seifert, the past clashes?
6. The situation in 2002? Ray and Claire, new, the interviews, the different jobs, the attraction? Claire with a fiance? The effect on Ray, his work, collaboration? With Seifert, with Bump?
7. Jess, Julia Roberts, cold, seeing her at work, the news of the murder, the breakdown, holding her daughter? Having to handle the situation? The photo of the staff outing, and the presence of the killer, evidence? The scenes of Jess and her memories of Caroline, the discussions? The statements on guilt, imprisonment, capital punishment, disapproving of a quick death, wanting someone to suffer day by day – and the later repercussions of her opinions?
8. The suspect, his work at the mosque, Morales and having him as a link, issues of security after 9/11, police priorities? The use of the killer? His background, age, character, his sketchbook, monsters…? The taking of the book? Morales and his refusal to pursue the case? The stadium sequence, the camera moving over, down into the stadium, the chase, moving out again? Ray and the interrogation, the attitude of Claire? Good cop, bad cop? Claire, quietly spoken, her techniques, explaining the situation, releasing him and the consequences? His breaking down? His lascivious look at her? His taunting them, going free? Morales, the burning of the car, to destroy the evidence? The dropping of the case?
9. Jess, staying, her career? Claire, her achievement, her personality, the scenes of the past, the attraction to Ray? Her husband, 13 years?
10. Ray, older, his return, Seifert and slinging off, the definition of an idiot? Yet the pathos of his being on the job and dying?
11. The incidental street hoarding sign with Morales campaigning for renewal of the votes for Governor?
12. Ray, the effect on his life, the investigation, his motives for tracking down the killer, recognising the photo, bringing it to LA, the comparisons, his certainty, going to the stables, finding the young man, the pursuit, Ray and his ribs being shattered? Lewis at the stable and the promise of information?
13. Claire, the tensions, with her husband – and his saying that Ray had been in the house for 12 years?
14. Jess, her insistence on not pursuing the case?
15. The revelation that the young man was the wrong suspect?
16. Jess, the explanation to Ray and Claire, Claire wary because of her legal status?
17. The flashbacks to what Jess said she did in terms of shooting the suspect? Ray and his suspicions, going to the house, finding the hut, Jess and her imprisoning the killer, bringing him food, his not being able to talk, his plea to Ray? Ray and his going into the yard, digging the grave? Hearing Jess shoot the
18. The film ending at that moment – leaving the audience to wonder about Ray and his career, with Claire, Jess and her situation and the killer, Claire and her legal role and her marriage?