US, 1935, 77 minutes, Black and white.
Francis Lederer, Ginger Rogers, J.Farrell Macdonald, Donald Meek.
Directed by Stephen Roberts.
Romance in Manhattan is a very light comedy, but very genial and audience-friendly, with charming performances from both Francis Lederer and Ginger Rogers.
Lederer portrays Karel, a Czech migrant (in fact, he was from Czechoslovakia) not allowed into the United States at Ellis Island because he has insufficient money and is to be deported – but he jumps from the ship and is rescued, losing his wallet at the same time. He wanders the streets of Manhattan, eventually meeting a kind dancer, Sylvia, Ginger Rogers at her most charming, at the time of the musicals with Fred Astaire. She takes him in, letting him sleep on the roof, allowing him to help her with her young brother who is to be taken away from and sent to an Institute.
He is forever cheerful, seeing Manhattan through optimistic eyes, selling papers, truck driving, driving a taxi, befriending a local policeman, getting some money so that he can pay for his naturalisation. He is in love with Sylvia, moved when the judge says that if she were to marry, the brother would be returned to keeping, with Karel trying to arrange everything, a mercenary lawyer reporting him to the police, his relying on the goodwill of the New York police and their friendship, getting everything ready, injections, documents, Minister for the ceremony, and the incarceration of the lawyer. Happy ever after.
1. A genial light comedy of the 1930s? The presence of the stars the charm? The hopefulness, the dreams of the migrants from Europe? The reality of Manhattan? Persevering and helpful?
2. Production values, the cast, the scenes in New York City, apartments, the streets, the different jobs, the police? The musical score?
3. Karel, his Czeck background, his hopes, saving money, learning English, arriving at Ellis Island, the official refusal, his not having enough money, plans for deportation, on the boat, opening the porthole window, diving into the harbour, his being rescued, losing his wallet, wandering the streets, hungry, the donuts, Sylvia finding him, helping him, his refusal of money?
4. Sylvia, her age, responsible for her brother, his truancy, his selling the papers to get money? The ladies and interview and suggesting that Frank go to an Institute? Karel arriving, the arrangements, sleeping, helping with money, the musical show, its being closed and Sylvia having a job?
5. His jobs, helping Frank with the paper sales, driving the truck and the discussions with Murphy, driving the taxi, the strike, breaking the strike, being bashed? His eternal optimism?
6. Frank, his being taken by the authorities, in the court, Sylvia considered unable to look after her brother, the mention of marriage?
7. Karel, his enthusiasm, going to the lawyer, his being swindled of his the money, the money carefully in the bank, going to Murphy, getting his advice, the naturalisation, his technically being a criminal, Sylvia and Frank, aiding him? The police and their kindly interpretation, hostile to the lawyer? Arranging the details, the phone calls, the documents, injections, the minister? The ceremony, the continued interruptions? Happy ending?
8. A light comedy as the Depression situation was ending?