US, 1929, 129 minutes, Black and white.
Charles Bickford, Kay Johnson, Conrad Nagel, Julia Fahey, Joel Mc Rea.
Directed by Cecil B.De Mille.
Dynamite is the first sound films directed by Cecil B. De Mille. During the 1920s he had already built up his reputation for dramas, lavish sense of style, especially the sets and costumes. In 1923 he had directed The 10 Commandments, with a contemporary story as well as the re-enactment of the book of Exodus. In 1927, he had directed The King of Kings. During the 1930s, he also made a number of spectacles including The Crusades, The Sign of the Cross and Cleopatra. For more than 10 years he was to make epic action and adventures, then in 1949 making Samson and Delilah, in 1952, with the Oscar for best film, The Greatest Show on Earth. His classic The 10 Commandments was released in 1956.
Dynamite is a contemporary New York story, a glimpse of the flappers and their wealthy way of life, idle, drinking, thier conversation… This contrasts with the story of miner condemned to death for murder. The two scenes intertwine when the leading lady, Cynthia, Kay Johnson, cannot inherit her wealth unless she is married by a certain date. She goes to the prison, the miner agrees and they are formally married. At that moment, the real killer is forced to confess and the miner is released, going to the house of the socialite, despising her way of life.
She is engaged to a married man who is to divorce his wife, with whom Cynthia makes a deal about a payment for the divorce through her inheritance. Complication occurs when the will demands that she lives with her husband, so she goes to the mining town, asks if she can live in the house. The miner agrees but within days there is a difficulty when a little boy, for whom she buys sweets, runs out on to the road and is hit by a car. She does the heroic thing, drawing out some money, driving to the city and back to bring a surgeon who is able to save the boy – and the gossip stops. Unfortunately, the miner is away, believes the worst about her.
Dynamite comes into the action in the last 15 minutes of the film when the three central characters are trapped in the mine where there is an explosion and the two men have to make decisions about who will do the heroic thing and who will survive.
Charles Bickford fits the part of the miner very well. Kay Johnson is Cynthia. Conrad Nagel has a lesser role as are intended husband.
1. The career of Cecil B De Mille? His silent films? Reputation as spectacle director? The beginning of his sound films?
2. Black-and-white photography, New York, the contrast with the mining town, contrast with apartments and homes? Prison? Atmosphere? The musical score?
3. Hagon, in the court, accused of murder, his sister and his plea, the lawyers, the judge? The mining background? age and experience? Condemned to death? A tough character?
4. Cynthia, her way of life, wealth, the lawyers, her fiance, his being married, the discussions about divorce, her interactions with Sylvia, his wife? The will, the conditions, the marriage? An assertive character?
5. The headlines, the idea, her visit to the prison, the plan, the money, the little girl, the formalities of the wedding, the priest, the documents?
6. The drunk in the restaurant, the pressure on him, his guilt, confession, the phone call, Hagon saved, getting out?
7. Cynthia, her apartment, the lavish party, the New York social types, wealthy, idle, drinking, their talk? Hagon arriving? Cynthia anxious, not wanting the guests to know, Roger and his attentions? Sylvia and her listening in? Cynthia and Sylvia and their discussions about the divorce, the payment? The deal, the cheque, Roger and his anger about the cheque?
8. Hagon, his behaviour, with the staff, wanting a room, the interactions with Cynthia, her being afraid, his harsh condemnations? Leaving?
9. Cynthia, the conditions, the lawyers saying she had to live with her husband? The visit to the mining town? Meeting Hagon, his sister? The request? His agreeing, his concern about his reputation? Going into the house, wanting the car to go shopping, his refusal, the car in the garage? Trying to make the meal, the little girl helping? Hagon, his work in the mine, reliable, an ordinary character?
10. Cynthia at the shop, the women’s hostile reactions, gossip? The little boy and the sweets, running out, the accident, the doctor unable to help, her getting her car, the cheque for the doctor, driving back and forth, getting the surgeon? The women and their change of heart?
11. Hagon coming home, nothing ready, believing the worst about Cynthia? Her phoning Roger, his coming to get her?
12. The touch of relenting, going to the mine of the apology, going down, Hagon and his work, the explosions?
13. The melodrama, the chance reality of their being in the mine and trapped? The dynamite? Cynthia and her reaction? Each man wanting to do his duty, going to Cynthia, her dilemma, making a decision?
14. Roger, with the dynamite, making that choice, his death? Leaving Cynthia and Hagon – and what future?