US, 2015, 115 minutes, Colour.
Mark Wahlberg, Seth Mac Farlane, Amanda Seyfriedd, Jessica Barth, Giovanni Ribisiy, Morgan Freeman, Sam J.Jones, Patrick Warburton, Michael Dorn, Bill Smitrovich, John Slattery, John Carroll Lynch, Ron Canada, Liam Neeson, Jay Leno, Dennis Hayesbert,.
Directed by Seth Mac Farlane.
Fastidious is the word that comes to mind while watching Ted and Ted 2. Not that the Ted and the films are fastidious in any aspect. Rather, it is the warning that comes to mind that any potential audiences which see themselves as fastidious should not go to see Ted.
That being said, it also has to be said that the two films are very funny. And it is somewhat embarrassing to admit this, given the nature and subject of many of the jokes as well as the continued crass language that comes from the mouths of Ted (voiced by writer and director, Seth Mac Farlane) and his great friend, John (Mark Wahlberg).
Ted made a great impact in 2012, with a modern urban fairytale (with grit and with attitude) where a little boy, John, wishes that his teddy bear could come alive – and his wish is granted. Ted seems a nice cuddly companion to a little boy – but, then he grows up, and takes on some of the less ingratiating aspects of the culture, no limits on his language, few limits on his blunt expressions, and a preoccupation with aspects of sex and his not being a stranger to drugs.
We all have our areas of reservation and this reviewer wishes that there wasn’t such a constant emphasis on casual drugtaking and its consequences – making it look too easy, too irresponsible.
At the opening of this sequel, after a couple of minutes of an extraordinary prologue, song and dance routine to Irving Berlin’s Steppin’ out with my Baby, filmed in Busby Berkeley 1930s musical style, quite lavish and entertaining – and with Ted joining in with the dancers, it is Ted’s wedding to his girlfriend Tammy – and everybody, including the audience, takes it for granted that Tammy and Ted will make a happy couple. Not always. Clashes, some fights – and they even have some rivalry at the local supermarket where they both work as cashiers.
One way to save the marriage is to have a child. There are some extraordinarily un-fastidious comedy sequences in the attempt to get a sperm donation. And then Tammy, this time quite seriously, is told that her drugtaking has ruined her reproductive system. And when they try to adopt, it emerges that Ted cannot be registered as a person but simply as property.
This leads the film in another direction, court cases to establish Ted’s identity and his rights as a person. John and Ted employ a young lawyer, Amanda Seyfried, as Samantha L Jackson (with jokes accordingly proving that Sam has little knowledge of popular culture). She is also into drugs, quite extensively, though allegedly to soothe her migraines. Needless to say, Ted and John think she is the ideal lawyer – and, it provides an opportunity for the touch of romantic comedy.
Court cases – and Ted losing his case, and the possibility of going to New York City to enlist the help of a very serious and senior lawyer, Morgan Freeman – who does give Ted quite a lecture, very serious in tone, about his wayward lifestyle.
But, before everything can be solved, Ted encounters his nemesis, Donnie (Giovanni Rib easy), who was obsessed with Ted in the first film and tries to do a deal with Hasbro to make the Ted bear as marketable. This finale happens at the huge Comic Con show in New York City, loads of fans (and fanatics) all dressed as characters from Star Wars, Star Trek, Mutant Turtles…
There is happy ending – but, in case you’re wondering what actually happens and whether Ted could be a person, there are two solutions: one is to see the film, the other, for the fastidious, is to ask someone who has gone and enjoyed the comedy to reveal what happed.
(The joke with Liam Neeson continues after the final credits.)
1. The popularity of the original film? The idea, the bear, fulfilment of a wish, the bear alive, as a person? Friends sharing? A contemporary urban fairytale – with attitude?
2. Ted himself as raucous, crass, preoccupation with sex, the taking of drugs, insults, blunt?
3. The range of humour, the limits, moral perspectives, drugs, sexual relationships and activity, bodily functions…?
4. Boston, the proper atmosphere, Ted within this context, everybody knowing Ted, treated as human? The transfer to New York City? The Comic Con show?
5. The deeper theme of the issue of Ted as a person, not as property? The insults, the bureaucrats and their labelling him? The cases, the appeal? The lawyers comment on his rough life and lifestyle? He shows his qualities as a person, especially in a relationship with John, saving him at the show? The initial trial, the unfavourable verdict? The impact of Morgan Freeman as the lawyer making his case, the arguments for what it is to be human, a person? The judgement?
6. The marriage, Tammy, Ted’s love for her, the wedding, the clashes at home? Their working as cashiers, the supermarket? Rivalries? Ambitions? Liam Neeson as the customer? Ted and the criticisms of Tammy, her cooking? separating? Reconciling, the issue of Ted and his being property? Tammy supporting him through the cases? The new proposal at the end?
7. John, the past, his wish, Ted alive, buddy? After the wedding, John alone, sharing with Ted, the range of drugs?
8. The pre-credits fantasy, the Busby Berkeley musicals? Steppin’ out with my Baby? Ted and his joining in the dancing and the chorus?
9. The Comic Con show, the images, the range of characters made up, the references to Star Wars, Start Trek, the teenage Turtles?
10. The guest appearances, Jay Leno, Tom Brady, Liam Neeson – and the final humour at the end of the credits?
11. Tammy and Ted, the decision to have a baby, artificial insemination? Ted and John, the decision about Tom Brady, breaking into his house, attempting to get the sperm, their failure? Going to the hospital, John and his donation? The hospital staff, the room, the sperm, the jokes, in the store room, the mayhem and the crash?
12. Tammy, going to the doctor, the serious aspect of her reproductive system ruined by her drugtaking?
13. The decision for adoption, the applications, the rejection, Ted merely as property?
14. The decision to go to court, meeting Samantha, Sam L. Jackson and the jokes? Her ignorance about most popular culture and films? The background of Arizona State? Ted and John and their condescension? The taking drugs, the migraine, the pair attracted by the drugs? Her attraction, with John? Approaching the case, the lawyers, the judge, the arguments, the decision?
15. The decision to make an appeal, to the lawyer in New York, going on the road trip, Sam Jones’s car, on the road, the adventures, Ted driving, singing, distracted, the crash, the car in the barn wall? Their spending the night, the bond between John and Sam? Rescuing the car and the jokes?
16. New York, approaching the lawyer, his giving Ted a lecture about his way of life and his reluctance to take the case?
17. Donnie, work in the Hasbro offices, with the head, the discussion about the cakes of soap in the toilets? Insinuating himself, the discussions with the boss, the deal about Ted? His going to the show, his sinister background, the previous film and his obsession about Ted? His weak? The confrontation, the chases, Ted hiding with the other bears, playing the music and his revealing himself? Trapped? The Hasbro head, giving the talk, the video, the discussions with Ted, disillusioned with Donnie and opting out? Donnie and his threats?
18. The various people going to the show, types, dressing up? The strong fans? The stalls, the displays? John and Sam hurrying to the show? Searching for Ted?
19. The build-up to the confrontation, Donnie disguised as a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle? The music and his giving himself away? The extent of the fight, letting loose the spaceship, John and being knocked down? Everything on television? The hospital, Ted being told of John’s death, Tammy and Sam upset? The joke on Ted?
20. The lawyer deciding to take the case, after the television sequences and the episode of saving John, the speech, the criteria for being human and a person?
21. The new proposal, marriage, happy ever after – at least until the sequel?