Georgia/Estonia, 2014, 87 minutes, Colour.
Lembit Ulfsak, Elmo Nuganen, Girogi Nakashidze, Misha Keshkhi.
Directed by Zaza Urushadze.
A fine film.
Tangerines is translated in the subtitle as clementines, while listening to the dialogue and looking at the fruit in the orchards, there is reference to mandarins. No matter what the actual translation, the abundant fruit in the orchard, its fruitfulness, the fact that it needs to be picked and collected, offering food for nourishment, and the fear that if it is not picked, it will perish, means that tangerines is an evocative symbol for this film.
Audiences may wonder about the connection between Estonia and Georgia and the film as a co-production. As we wonder about this, the pre-credits inform us that there were colonies of Estonians in the Caucasus, in Georgia, living and working in peace. But, at the outbreak of war between Georgia and Akhbasia in 1992, most of the Estonians went back to their homeland leaving empty villages and houses.
We immediately see an old man, a grandfather, Ivo, working with wood in his workshop, making crates that can be used for the collection of the tangerines. Almost immediately, he is visited by two Chechen mercenaries, Russian-backed mercenaries who are fighting against the Georgians. They want food, treat Ivo well, but warn him of the dangers of the war and that others will not be so kind.
Ivo has an Estonian friend, Margus, who tends the tangerine trees. When a skirmish between Chechens and Georgians leads to deaths outside Ivo’s house, Ivo tends the wounds of Ahmed who had just visited him. As they bury the dead, they discover that one of the Georgians, Nika, is still alive and Ivo and Margus rescue him, calling on an Estonian doctor who treats each soldier equally.
What the film offers is an opportunity to appreciate the people who get caught up in the war, not be any part of its making, who live a simple life, only in indirect contact with the battles, but suffering the consequences, uncertain of what is happening, the times of war when each side is dominant and then overcome. In the uncertainty, what the two Estonian men have two offer is sympathy, healing, some understanding, and the pledge that the two enemies, despite their rivalry, will not kill each other in the house. Gradually, the kindness and dignified bearing of Ivo and his saving the lives of each of the men has quite an impact as they begin to treat each other as human beings rather than as enemies. Ivo hears their stories, as the audience hears them and appreciates the common humanity of each of the men, despite one being a mercenary and the other an actor who has felt an obligation to defend his country.
The cast is small in number, but the key characters are well-delineated, well-written, excellently acted. In fact, the film is beautifully crafted, and, despite some scenes of shooting deaths, a film that pleads for peace.
Audiences, for whom the Caucasus countries may seem remote, will begin to understand traditional communities, that local wars can break out, civil wars – which has happened at various times with different states of Georgia wanting to secede, relying on Russian backing. The film also throws light on what life in the countryside of eastern Ukraine is like with fights for secession, independence.
1. Impact? Humanity? War? Peace?
2. The collaboration between Estonia and Georgia? The history of Estonian settlements in the Caucasus? The work, outbreak of war, leaving for Estonia, those who stayed?
3. The title, the imagery of the mandarins, the many trees, the orchard, fruitful, the need for collection or perish? Margus and his work, his perishing?
4. The focus on the Georgian landscapes, the land, homes, the workshop, the forest, the orchard, the mountains overlooking the water? The musical score? The final song and its meanings?
5. Introduction, Ivo and his working with the wood, making the crates, his age, dignity? Will life in Georgia and feeling part of it?
6. The arrival of the Chechens, the atmosphere of war, mercenaries with banking from Russia? The character of Ahmed? Ibrahim? The treatment of Ivo, getting food, in the house, talk, taking the food – and warning Ivo about dangers?
7. Ivo, his age, family, the photos, his house, workplace? A simple life, the good man, his treatment of the Chechens? His friendship with Margus, going to the orchard, discussing the fruit and the collection? Hopes?
8. The skirmish outside his house, the Chechens clashing with the Georgians, accidents, killings? Ibrahim and his death? Ahmed and his being saved, his wound, in the bed, Ivo and his kind treatment? The burying of the dead, finding Nica aliv, saving him, the severity of his head would?
9. The enmity between the two men, the threats, the hostile talk, Ivo locking the door to protect Nica? Tending him, feeding him, his recovery?
10. The visit of the doctor, his help, with each man? Going back to Estonia?
11. Days passing, the tangerines on the tree, the need for help, Ivo and his picking the fruit? The crates? Too much for him? The promise that pickers would be sent, their not arriving? Aslan and his men, promising, their being killed?
12. Ahmed and Nica in the house, each giving his word not to kill the other? Food, drinking the tea, at the table, hostility, offering to fight, the rivalry about abilities and skills? Becoming calm, the change? Nica going outside, the barbecue, the sharing of the meal, the talk, smiling?
13. Ahmed, Muslim, his prayer, the mercenary, offering some of his pay to Margus, Margus refusing? Ivo urging him to take the money?
14. Nica and his story, an actor, young, going to war despite his mother, sense of obligation? Ivo promising to come to see him in Tiblisi?
15. Aslan and his men, Ivo organising the pretence, their being spared, Aslan and his offer for help in the orchard?
16. The explosion, Margus and his house exploding, being burnt down, his grief?
17. The troops, demanding that Ahmed prove he was Chechen, his vocabulary? The attack, the shooting? Margus and his being killed? Nica getting the guns, firing, saving Ahmed? Nica being killed, the effect on Ahmed, on Ivo?
18. The two men making the coffins, burying the dead, burying Margus? The hill overlooking the water, Ivo telling the story of his son, Nica buried near his
son – and that Ivo would do the same for Ahmed – only a little further away!
19. What was the audience left with, in terms of war, peace, reconciliation, sitting and sharing, the qualities of human nature? Ivo and his toast to death? The film and its message for life?