US, 2014, 111 minutes, Colour.
Muhammad Ali, Mohammed Ali Jr, Hana Ali, Leila Ali, Maryum Ali, Rahaman Ali, Jim Brown, Carl Fisher, George Foreman, Marvis Frasier, Ken Jones, Tom Jones, Gene Kilroy, George Lois, Veronika Porche Ali, Norman Towns, Mike Tyson.
Directed by Clare Lewins.
Whether you think Muhammad Ali was the greatest or not, this is a very interesting documentary.
The film-makers have access to a great deal of Ali’s material, especially his audio journals. They also have access to members of his family, especially his daughter, and his former wife. As well, there are interviews with some of the significant people in his life, boxing issues like George Foreman, race and sport issues like Jim Brown. There is also an appearance from Mike Tyson.
The cumulative effect is an interesting portrait of Ali, from his young days as Cassius Clay, the transition, aided by Elijah Muhammad and the Nation of Islam, to the controversy about his comments on serving in Vietnam and his refusal to go, the court case and the decision of the Supreme Court.
His idiosyncratic character comes to the fore, irritating some, engaging many, many more. While he didn’t have a second comeback, and suffered the effects of debilitating health, he is one of the most significant American sportsmen of the 20th century.
There was a feature film in the 1970s, The Greatest. There is also the documentary about his fight with George Foreman, Rumble in the Jungle. Stephen Frears directed a very interesting film for television about the Vietnam controversy, focusing on the members of the Supreme Court, their political stances, the judgements, the final vote: Muhammad Ali’s greatest fight, featuring Christopher Plummer and Frank Langella, along with images and film footage excerpts with Ali himself.
1. The success of the film as a documentary, portrait of Muhammad Ali, as a person, sportsman, his crises, family man?
2. Audience knowledge of Ali? His reputation, admiration for him, interest in him?
3. The style of the film, the insertion of the boxing clips, as a young man and boxer, his victories? Sonny Lister? The encounters with Joe Frazier? The build-up to the Rumble in the Jungle, George Foreman, becoming world champion – three times?
4. Seeing himself as The Greatest? His way with words, smart talk, jokes, playing to the media, his self-image, self-promotion? The influence of Elijah Muhammad, changing his name, Clay being the slave name? The witness of his brother, affection, in the light of his brother’s success?
5. The Vietnam War, his refusal to be called up, his principles? His interest in the defence of the US but not in aggression? The consequences, the humiliation, stripped of his medals? The response of the public? His being consistent over the years? The appeal to the Supreme Court and the overturning of the judgement in 1971? The testimony of his daughters, close to their father, their mothers, varied experiences with her father, divorces? The testimony of his son? His various wives? The children out of wedlock?
6. The professional world and comments, Jim Brown as articulate about Ali as a boxer and about his stances on Vietnam? Managers, photographers? The photography of his posing as St Sebastian, the arrows, his being portrayed as a victim? Tom Jones and his memories, the humour of the knockout?
7. The testimony of George Foreman, becoming a minister, his reflections on the experience? Marvis Frazier, the comments about his father, his father being hurt, wanting an apology?
8. The experience of the recovery, the 1980s, going to Zaire, the preparation of the Rumble, the media and interviews? Veronica and her experience of this period, in Ali’s world, in love, the subsequent marriage?
9. Ali’s wanting a comeback, his reasons, the advice from friends?
10. Ali’s emerging during the 1960s, the Civil Rights Movement? His personal achievement, as a personality, African- American, the Nation Of Islam, boxing and sport, Olympic Medallist, friend of the media, a family man and growing in this with the years? His strengths and failures? The onset of Parkinson’s
Disease? His being an American icon?