US, 1951, 82 minutes, Black and white.
Carla Belinda, Elliott Reid, Edgar Barrier, Raymond Burr, Otto Waldis.
Directed by William Cameron Menzies.
The Whip Hand is a small film from 1951, the era of anti-Communist feelings and activities in the United States, following on the hearings at the House for Un- American activities at the beginning of Senator Mc Carthy’s witchhunting enquiries.
A number of films were made to combat the Communist threat, small films like The Woman on Pier 13, Walk East on Beacon, in the film about Cardinal Mindzenty of Hungary, Guilty of Treason.
This film works well as a small thriller, a journalist on holidays, finding a mysterious town, and even more mysterious island with laboratories where a former Nazi doctor is doing experiments on humans, to create a virus that can be unleashed on American cities.
Elliott Reid is the journalist and Raymond Burr, doing his heavy sinister style yet again, controls the town which has been evacuated because, allegedly, a virus has destroyed the fish and it is no longer a tourist centre, thus preserving it from too close investigation.
Of particular interest is the fact that the film was directed by William Cameron Menzies, best known as a celebrated set designer, Things to Come, Reign of Terror…
1. A film of 1951, American attitudes towards Communism? Anti-Communism? Black lists, Un- American hearings? Conspiracies?
2. Black-and-white photography, the town, the island, the laboratories, the shops, hotels? The musical score? The world of newspapers?
3. Matt, fishing, his injury, driving, the hostility at the gates, looking for a doctor, in the town? The doctor and his sister, her fear? The room at the hotel, Loomis, Molly, their watching him?
4. Nate, watching Luther, the story of the lake, the virus, destroying the fish? An idea for an article? Matt investigating? Typing his article?
5. Loomis and Molly, sinister, watching, listening, smooth responses? Nate and his watching?
6. The doctor, being careful, his nervous sister, those were sick, the treatment? Luther’s death?
7. Luther, age, running the store, chatting, Nate and his intervening, the phone calls, Luther ordering the stores, communicating the message? Phone calls back, endangering him, his death?
8. Matt, curiosity about the island, taking his camera, the attack, the attackers finding the camera and destroying it?
9. Peterson, the recluse, his visit, discussions with Matt, the warnings? Offering the drink – and Matt apprehensive about poison?
10. Matt on the boat, going to the island, the laboratories and plant, seeing the Nazi scientist? Sending the message through Luther, the response of the editor, the information about the scientist?
11. The escape attempt, the boat, the doctor’s sister? Driving, being helped on the way, the woman and her driving them back?
12. The laboratories, the doctor, his human experiments, the threats, the Nazi style, for Communism? The virus, the human subjects, the tests?
13. The police arriving, the confrontation, the scientist and his threats to unleash the virus?
14. The doctor, shooting the scientist, his being shot, the group being saved?
15. A competent thriller? A film of its time to warn Americans about the Communist threats?