Finland, 2007, 110 minutes, Colour.
Outi Maenpaa, Ria Kataja, Martti Suosalo.
Directed by Petri Kotwica.
Black Ice is a domestic drama from Finland. On her 40th birthday, Sarah realises that her husband has been having an affair and decides to follow the woman in question, one of her husband’s students. When she discovers that the girl also trains in martial arts, she joins her course and continues, becoming much more friendly with the young woman herself.
The husband, it is revealed, has been philandering all his life. His wife moves out but when he says that he has changed his affections, she moves back home. In the meantime, she has become very friendly with the young woman, her confidante, sharing her experiences.
There is violence in the conclusion, a death, but the young woman is pregnant and Sarah, who is a doctor, help save her child.
The ending is not all clear and exact, the audience pondering what will happen to the characters after the closing credits…
1. A domestic drama, conflict, Scandinavian style? Finland?
2. The setting in Finland, homes, hospitals, gymnasiums? The countryside? The musical score?
3. The title, real, symbolic?
4. The introduction to the plot, Leo and his having affair with Julie, his being late for the birthday party, Sarah and her turning 40, the guests arriving, the incident with the condoms, the tension in the party, the aftermath, Sarah accusing Leo of his affair?
5. Leo, his age, with the student, her project, his guitar, the news that he had been philandering all his life? Sarah walking out, his reaction, his meetings with Julie? Her being in the house, has pursuing her in the car, his crash, his death?
6. Sarah, following Julie, at the gymnasium, her training for the martial arts, her continually returning, becoming friends with Julie, her motivation, attitude towards Leo, still loving him, the meetings with him, moving out and then returning? Her attitudes towards Julie, some revenge, yet liking the girl, continuing at the course, the discovery of the pregnancy?
7. Julie, ordinary, student, her design, martial arts, the relationship with Leo, talking to Sarah, some hesitation but saying she loved Leo? Her wanting Sarah to accompany her to functions? Her pregnancy, coming to the home, realising that Sarah was Leo’s wife? Her driving away?
8. Sarah, her work in hospital, telling Julie she was a psychologist, finding Julie to be a patient, the pregnancy, saving the child? Bond between her and Julie?
9. The presentation of the characters, their internal attitudes, their behaviour? The complexities?