Norway, 2013, 111 minutes, Colour.
Aksel Hendy, Wes Bentley, Stephen Lang, Stephanie Sigman, Jonathan La Paglia, Jorgen Langhelle, Andre Eriksen.
Directed by Erik Skjoldbjaerg.
Pioneer is a Norwegian film, set in the 1970s and 1980s with exploration for oil in North Sea, and the discoveries enriching Norway. The focus of the film is the exploration of the sea bed as well as the development of the technology which would allow the oil to be transferred through pipes in the depths of the sea to land.
The film shows some Norwegian experts and their developing the capacity to operate at depths, processes for breathing and maintaining functioning under extreme pressure. When there is a death, there are investigations, and cover-ups and payoffs.
The main character is an expert and is upset at the death, the death of his brother. He begins to challenge the authorities, the Americans wanting cover up and the Norwegians wanting to maintain a strong national presence.
The Norwegians have to work with the Americans and several American actors, Stephen Lang, Wes Bentley, and Australian Jonathan la Paglia, appear in the film.
1. Norwegian film? Norwegian performers? The American element, American performers? The two different languages? International perspective?
2. The film and its stands in favour of Norway, oil discoveries, the need for technology, the piping of the loyal, wealth for Norway? Americans, know-how, the contract? Norwegians anti-Americans? The deals? The Postscript and the Norwegians suing for neurological damage?
3. Thriller, the situation, North Sea oil, the diving, the testing, the attempts at fixing the pipe, the failure, the gases? American control, the bosses, Michael, the doctor? The decisions about going down? Deaths? Investigations, cover-ups, ambiguous characters? The truth?
4. The picture of the sea, homes, laboratories, offices, the walks, boats? The interior of the plant? The deep sea diving? The simulations? The musical score?
5. The explanations, the 1970s, the need for contracts, urgency, political leaders, law experts, the Americans and tough stances? Mike, Ronald, Leif, Jorgan, the various jobs? Knut and his going down? The details of the test, the pressures? The effect on the men? Going down to fix the pipes, the gas, its being cut, can its death?
6. Petter, the focus, his expertise, Knut as his brother, the visits with Maria, the son, the family, pleasant outings?
7. The international dimensions, Communications, lies? Petter getting out, the confrontation, going to see Jorgan, his fit, Jorgan taking the blame? Leif and his information, the gases? Leif’s death? Ronald, the explanation of the gas, the anaesthetics, his demonstration about pressure with the mice? Petter driving, Mike and his pursuit, the crash?
8. The Norwegians, the laboratories, the bosses, the lawyer, the hopes for Norwegian participation?
9. The build-up to the next test, Petter being rejected? The Norwegians standing by him? The experience, the cylinder with the gas, his hiding it in Knut’s locker? The discussions with the woman scientist, not trusting her? The empty valve?
10. His going to the boat, Jorgan visiting, Petter overboard, the explosion and Jorgan’s death?
11. Maria, her grief, given the money by the Americans, the TV interview and the leader challenged about buying people off?
12. Petter, taking the check, giving it back? The discussions about the truth?
13. The Norwegian authorities, Petter going back to work? The achievement?