UK/US, 2015, 122 minutes, Colour.
Dev Patel, Maggie Smith, Judi Dench, Richard Gere, Bill Nighy, Celia Imrie, Ronald Pickup, Diana Hardcastle, Penelope Wilton, Tamsin Greig, Tina Desai, Shazad Latif.
Directed by John Madden.
No, not second best - rather, the accident is on ‘second’. Since we all know all about the first Best Exotic Marigold Hotel, and enjoyed the film, liked the characters, appreciated the exotic atmosphere in India, it is fairly obvious that we would like a second.
Most of the team are back again, except Tom Wilkinson whose character died in the first film. Most of them are ensconced comfortably in India, and, in the Hotel, although, it is emphasised, there is a roll call each morning just to make sure that everyone is still there!
Actually, the film opens in the United States, with Mrs Donnelly and Sonny driving through California, he exuberant behind the wheel, she her usual dry-commenting self. Dev Patel and Maggie Smith. They are full of enterprise, wanting to interview the board of a hotel company with the idea of opening the second hotel in Jaipur although the Americans don’t share the basic idea of retiring to India for final years and death. But they agree to send an agent to check out how the hotel is run.
Meanwhile, back in Jaipur and the oldies! Ronald Pickup’s Norman and Celia Imrie’s Madge are at work at the British club (also watering the drinks), Norman, less flirtatious, in a relationship with Carol, and Madge with the dilemma of having two local suitors. Judi Dench’s Evelyn is still working, though she mentions in passing that she is 79 – which was her actual age at the time of filming – and is checking out fabrics with local merchants, being offered a job from an international company and going to Mumbai with the local merchant for further development. Bill Nighy’s Douglas, separated from his hen-packing wife, Jean (Penelope Wilton) is taking tourists for visits to local shrines, but with his failing memory relies on an ear-piece with a young boy feeding him the information, although at one stage he rushes off to play football with his friends forgetting his duties. Actually Jean does come to India, as she says, to visit the old ruins but also to see how everyone is getting on! She has her own sad story but is happy that her daughter is coming to India to give a talk at a conference.
As for Sonny, he is busy, busy, busy, preparing for the engagement and his wedding, while his fiancée, Saina, is also busy at the hotel reception desk. Then there is his mother whom he rather keeps in check.
There are preparations for the engagement, preparations for the wedding – and, of course, a song-and-dance most colourful wedding ceremony.
But, there is still some intrigue when Richard Gere turns up and is considered the agent for inspection, even though he tells the story that he has come to write a novel. The novel turns into a real life novel as he is attracted to Sonny’s mother which does not please Sonny. Most of the staff, however, consider another visitor (Tamsin Grieg) who says she has come to look out for a place for mother as the agent. Lots of kowtowing on Sonny’s part, visits to prospective hotels, and complications and jealousies when an old friend puts in a bid for a hotel and spends a lot of time coaching Sonny’s fiancee in dancing for the celebrations.
All is well, finally, with Mrs Donnelly talking some common sense into Sonny.
This sequel has attracted large audiences and big business – but, the surprise of the first film can never be repeated and watching this film seems something akin to having a large second helping of dessert.
1. The popularity of the original, story, themes, characters, India and its atmosphere?
2. This film, more of the same – plus?
3. The introduction to the film in the United States, San Diego, Mrs Donnelly and Sony driving through the US, his exhilaration? The meeting with the hotel people, Mrs Donnelly and the proposal, Sonny and his enthusiastic contribution? The Skype message from his fiancee, the plans for the wedding, the dance rehearsals, the steps, her friend, Kushal, and Sonny and the beginning of his jealousy?
4. The city of Jaipur, the old classic buildings, the streets, hotels, atmosphere, modern? Remnants of the colonial atmosphere? The world of the ordinary citizens of the city, markets, shops, ordinary homes? The musical score?
5. The basic idea of the films, the elderly choosing to die in India after living the rest of their lives? The hotel, the roll call every day and Sonny giving the reasons? Taking the idea to the United States, Evergreen and its different perspective? The decision to send inspectors? The end and the CEO visiting India and meeting Mrs Donnelly?
6. The plans, a new hotel, inspectors, the arrival of Guy, the arrival of Teresa, the airport, both coming to the hotel, her different name? The rooms, Sonny and his overdoing the treatment for Guy, trying to make an impression, less so for Teresa? The change of rooms without his knowledge?
7. The captions for the film: the engagement, the family party, the wedding? The importance of costumes, the elaborate celebrations?
8. Sonny and Saina, friends for a long time, the Skype contact in San Diego, the dance, the presence of Kushal? Their work at the hotel, each of their jobs, management, Saina and reception? Jealousy, suspicions, self-pity, Saina’s reaction?
9. The possible second hotel, the visit, taking Guy and Teresa? Kushal and his offer to buy the hotel? Later taking over the established hotel and celebrating the wedding?
10. Evelyn, her life in England, the change in India, the work, 79 years of age? The skill with the fabrics, the bargains at the shop, the visitor from England, the offer of the job, her acceptance? Going to Mumbai, on the train, taking the merchant from the market, the huge factory, the fabrics, the insults in Hindi, her reading out the words indicating that she understood, getting the bargain? Staying with the man’s cousin? Going to the lecture, meeting Laura? Her relationship with Douglas, the attraction, wanting time, the return to the wedding, his speech and the earpiece, her final words to him, finding love?
11. Douglas, his life, separation from Jean, enjoying India, his work as a tour guide, his forgetfulness, the student with the earpiece, going to play football? His bike, the repairs? Jean’s arrival, his being uncomfortable, her conditions for a divorce, Laura and her talk in Mumbai? His return, the speech of the wedding, the earpiece and Evelyn’s words?
12. Jean, her dislike of India, separating from Douglas, her daughter, coming to India, insults, implications of Douglas having an affair with Evelyn? Her pride in her daughter, the talk? The discussions with Evelyn, Evelyn realising the truth about Jean’s boss and her talk about a proposal?
13. Norman, his background, the old roue, the relationship with Carol, the drinks and watering them down, at the club? Love for Carol, following her to work, seeing her with the other man, being edgy, the taxis and his drinking, the money, thinking that his driver had attacked Jean – going to the company and finding all the drivers? And the scorpion sign on the taxis? His confession to Carol, her response?
14. Madge, her background, her response to sexiness? Working at the club, watering the drinks? The driver, the two men wanting to propose to her, visits with each? Meeting the driver’s niece, at the Doctor with Mrs Donnelly, the niece wanting to look at the book, her bringing the gift of the ballerina dancing, with the driver, the choice between the two men and her choosing the driver?
15. Guy, the presence of Richard Gere, his allegedly writing the book, his story, divorce, breakdown? Sonny and kowtowing to him, the change of rooms, the tours? Guy and his attraction to Sonny’s mother, the drinks, talk, the sexual encounter and Sonny arriving, confronting his mother? The unmasking of the
identities? Guy’s leaving, resigning from his job, going to write the book, staying with Sonny’s mother?
16. Teresa, her visit, as an inspector for the rival company, the story about her mother, reaction to Guy, the change of rooms, unmasked, succumbing to the atmosphere?
17. Sonny and his mother, at the hotel, severe with his mother, her rousing on him? His visit with Saina’s parents, his promises? Preparation for the wedding, Kushal offering to be a partner, Sonny upset, Mrs Donnelly giving him a dressing down about self-pity? His change?
18. The celebration of the wedding, the dancing, the music, everybody involved? Mrs Donnelly and her return to the hotel, writing the letter, urging on Sonny, reflections on her simple life, the final times in India, the visit from the CEO from America? Dying?
19. Happy ending, the celebrations, the partners on their bikes?
20. A film for older audiences, about joy in life and in older age?