US, 2015, 100 minutes, Colour.
Chris Rock, Rosario Dawson, Cedric the Entertainer, Tracy Morgan,.
Directed by Chris Rock.
If you have never heard of, Chris Rock, or never heard of Cedric The Entertainer, or Tracy Morgan…, this is probably not the film for you. As an extra caution, it might be added that even if you had heard them, this still might not be the film for you.
Over the decades, Chris Rock has built a substantial reputation as a stand-up comedian, and has proven himself to be something film star as well. Using the tradition of Richard Pryor and Eddie Murphy, African- American humour, targeting American politics, the American way of life, often with sexual innuendo – and at other times, quite explicit and crass. There is something of a glimpse of this at one stage in Top Five, but the film is really about a celebrity and how he deals with his life and its pressures.
The film opens with Andre (Chris Rock) walking along the street with a journalist, Chelsea (Rosario Dawson) talking about his life, willingly and unwillingly, some wry comments as well as wisecracks. And then we find out who Andre is. He has become something of a celebrity because of his starring role in three action-hero blockbusters. The trouble is that he plays Hammy the Bear, but concealed in his bear suit, but nonetheless he is recognised, acclaimed, signing autographs.
But he wants to be a serious actor and his new release, Uprise, has just opened with practically nobody going to see it. We are shown a clip, a story about Haitian rebels with Andre as the vigorous leader, and a massacre of white landowners. Not a masterpiece.
So, The New York Times wants an interview with him and assigns Chelsea, one of their top writers. Andre is reluctant to talk to the New York Times because their columnist, James Neilson, has targeted Andre and his performances in past years. Over a day, Chelsea follows Andre to various functions and promotions, with Andre taking the opportunity to reminisce about his life, along with memories of booze and sex early in his career (this flashback with Cedric the Entertainer, replete with some Texas mumbling and some gross behaviour). Andre also goes to see his family, a motley collection, and encounters at one stage Adam Sandler and Whoopi Goldberg and some other friends for conversation.
Are a lot of musicians and singers moving in and out of the film, many of them asked about the top five.
At the same time, Andre is trying to cope with a planned marriage on the following Saturday, his fiancee, Erica (Gabrielle Union) and devotee of Reality Television, is being filmed planning the marriage in great detail in preparation for the filming of the wedding – which seems one of the most unlikely.
Andre has been on the wagon for some years but a crisis comes about the identity of James Neilson which propels him into drinking again, face the failure of his film, question what he is really about.
While Andre is a fictitious character, any film about a stand-up comedian and actor raises the question of how much autobiography there is in it. But that is for Chris Rock fans to fathom.
1. The title, lists, throughout the film?
2. Chris Rock film? The impact? Chris Rock as stand-up comedian, writer, director, performance? His perspective on the career of this kind of comedian? Touches of autobiography?
3. A New York story, the cinema story, the New York clubs, the New York Times and articles? Streets, apartments, hotels, film promotion?
4. The musical score, the range of songs?
5. The cast, the black performers, comedians, musicians? Singers?
6. Andre and his walk with Chelsea, the interview, the discussions, information, the tone?
7. Andre’s story, the information about Hammy the Bear, the three films, action hero, in costume? The enormous popularity, autographs and fans, posters? The contrast with Uprise, the Haitian story, the slaves, cinema flop?
8. The scene with the agent, Kevin Hart and his antics, his warnings about Andre’s career?
9. The family visits and contacts throughout the film, the range of characters at home, father, mother, the others?
10. The plan for the wedding, Bravo and the filming of the preparations and the ceremony? Reality TV? How credible the relationship between Andre and Erica? Their plans? Erica and her being filmed, the sets, the preparation? The phone calls from Andre and his reactions? Credible future or not?
11. The New York Times, James Neilson and his articles, the vitriolic comments about Andre, crimes against humanity, not watching the film even if the screen was in the glasses? Andre’s anger? The final revelation that Chelsea was James Neilson, his discovery of the text on the phone?
12. Andre’s bodyguard, protection, the plans, and involvement in all the action?
13. Chelsea, at home, her daughter, her mother, her writing, publication, the magazines? With the New York Times, allotted the interview? The later revelations of the text from the editor?
14. The beginning of the interview, asking Andre to be honest, the bond between the two, passing the day together, following Andre, observing him, the film promotion? The phone calls and hopes? Andre and his going to the cinema – few people watching, only on one screen?
15. Uprise, it story, Haiti, the uprising, the massacre of the whites? The film clip?
16. The flashbacks, Houston, Cedric the Entertainer, his gross character, performance, patter, difficult to understand, the sexual behaviour, Andre watching?
17. The flashbacks to Andre’s life, to his career?
18. Alcohol problems, AA, his experience, Chelsea, the time of being dry? His discovery that she was James Neilson, going into the bottle shop, later drinking?
19. The sequence with Adam Sandler, Whoopi Goldberg and friends, the discussion?
20. Chaplin's Song, Smile, and its being sung with a raspy voice?
21. The variety of musicians, performance, discussions, careers, their Top Five?
22. The effect of drinking, on Andre, the encounter with Chelsea?
23. The pickup, relationship, the truth? The wedding or not?
24. The impact for this film on an American audience? The detailed American information, language, style? African- American? World audiences, appreciating it or not?