US, 2012, 106 Minutes, Colour.
Michael Shannon, Winona Ryder, Chris Evans, Ray Liotta, David Schwimmer, Robert Davi, James Franco, Stephen Dorff.
Directed by Ariel Vroeman.
The Iceman is a very grim portrait of a hired killer, Richard Kulinski. A man of short temper, yet having a surface charm, especially with his wife and family, he was eventually arrested in 1986 and convicted.
The film introduces us to a criminal world, especially the world of pornography and, later, the copying of pornographic material and distribution through the VHS cassettes. Kulinski and his brother worked in copying videos but fell foul of a gang boss, played by Ray Liotta. He tests Kulinski and his capacity for cold-blooded killing, targeting a homeless man in the street, and then hires him to do his murders for quite some time.
Kulinski is played by Michael Shannon, who can frequently look sinister in a central role, from World Trade Center to the villain in Man of Steel. His wife, who worked as a waitress and was charmed by him, marrying him and having several children, is played by Winona Ryder.
There are quite a number of character actors in supporting roles as well is Ray Liotta, including Chris Evans as a partner, David Schwimmer (almost unrecognisable with his hairy make up) is an associate of Liotta, Stephen Dorff as a prisoner, James Franco as a villain, Robert Davi as a gangster.
Director, Ariel Croeman, is from Israel.
1. The title? true story?, Murder, the Mafia, the world? The term?
2. Managers, the city, its look, the news, student, homes, the streets? Musical score?
3. Michael Shannon in the central role, his screen presence? A blend of cold and charm? Crime sequences? Conscienceless?
4. Richard, himself, working with his brother, his brother in prison? The brief explanations of his family background, harsh? Dubbing the pornography, fulfilling orders, pressure of timetables, the visit of Demeo and his crew? Deliveries? Richard and his personality, severe and cold? Playing pool, the man refusing to pay, Richard murdering him outside in the car and walking away? Encounter in the car, the test, the beggar in the street, Richard going, shooting him, returning, passing the test? The various jobs, efficient and conscienceless?
5. Demeo, cold, commanding, his relationship with Josh? Rebuking him about using his name? The reports from Leonard Marks? Killing Josh?
6. Deborah, young, impressionable, at the diner, her work, meeting Richard, his courtesy, charm, going out? The marriage, the better house, the children, prosperity? Her good life, not suspecting anything about her husband? The years passing? The awkward meal when pornography was referred to and his changing the subject when Deborah asked questions?
7. The collage of the killings? Efficiency? His double life, seemingly religious? The payments, outings and meals? Deborah explaining the money exchange?
8. Richard’s brother, Joey, working with him, his going to prison?
9. Leonard Marks, the Mafia link, with Demeo, the demands? Richard being sacked?
10. Mr Freeze, his appearance, his truck, partnering Richard, style, conversations, the issue of freezing the bodies to confuse the police about time of death? The various killings, the chases in the street?
11. Dangers, vengeance, the encounter with Marty Freeman in his room, praying and Richard asking if his prayers were answered, killing him? The girl hiding in the cupboard, his letting her go, the risk of being discovered?
12. The arrest, the sentence? Deborah and her daughters not knowing anything, bewilderment?
13. The final information, about his career as a killer, jail, never seeinghis family again?
14. The purpose of the film, portrait of a killer, of particular times?