US, 2013, 102 minutes, Colour.
Kevin Sizemore, Claudia Esposito, Terry Kiser, Barrett Carnahan, Emily Capehart, Siomha Kenney.
Directed by J.W.Myers.
A Christmas Tree Miracle is a family – oriented film, American-style. It resembles many of the dramas which come from faith-based production companies. However, while there are some scenes in church and discussions about miracles, glimpses of cribs, the film is fairly secular in tone.
We are introduced to the George family, a not very attractive group, the father is business-preoccupied, the mother impatient, the teenage daughter self-centred and preoccupied with texting, her friends and fashion, the teenage son more interested in his girlfriend, tense with his father. However, the little daughter, Nina, is perpetually cheerful, speaks very directly, plays the cello. Unlikely as it may seem, we know that they are all going to be pleasant at the end.
The family has been living beyond its means when the father is retrenched. He fails to find a job, is too proud to tell his children the truth until there is a blow up and they are shocked. His wife asks her sister. The father goes to his father to ask help and is quite strongly reprimanded for his selfishness and his failure to live up to promises in the past. The family has to sell their possessions, sell the house, moving to a motel from which they are ousted, have to line up for food.
However, the father has done a kind deed in passing to an old man sitting in a diner. The son has saved a student at school from bullying. These kindnesses will be rewarded, especially from the old man sitting in the diner who owns a Christmas tree farm, giving the trees away. Inviting the family to live with him and they, of course, find redemption as well as a greater simplicity of life and generosity.
1. A Christmas film, a family film, for adults, the teenagers, the young children? The impact for each?
2. The American story, locations, the city, homes, the countryside, the tree farm? Authentic feel? Musical score?
3. The title, the touches of sentiment, the focus on the trees at the tree farm, giving away the trees, acts of kindness, no coincidences, the miracles?
4. The initial presentation of the George family? The taking of the photo, the grumpiness of the family, Nina, her cello, smile? The photo for the Christmas
card? And its effect, especially on Mr King?
5. The off-putting manner of the family, the mother and her impatience and off handedness, the father and his concern about business and work, phone calls, Natalie and her continued texting, moodiness? Nick and his self-centredness, girlfriend? The bickering, the children and the touch of the narcissistic? Nina as a breath of fresh air?
6. Nina, the performance with the cello, Nick with his girlfriend, Natalie text in, her walking off, her mother saying that nobody cared?
7. The economic situation? Charities? Downsizing? Unemployment and job search? Affluent families, living beyond their means, sudden poverty? On the breadline? Selling possessions, homes?
8. David, 20 years work, his being fired? His reaction? Julie’s response? Having to compromise? Natalie and her moodiness, Nick, his car, wanting pizza…? Nina and her directness, support of her parents, cheerfulness?
9. David, in the diner, the young man wanting to oust Henry, David giving him the coffee? Later David being in the same position as Henry?
10. The search for work, the months passing, the sales? David not wanting Julie to work? The blow up, the revelation of the truth? The reactions?
11. Julie going to see her sister, the offer of help, the sale of the jewellery? David going to see his father, his father reminding him of his promises in the past and his failure to keep them? Saying that the money would last only a couple of months, the need for a radical re-think?
12. Having to sell the house, the move to the motel, only the necessities? The creditor, their having to move out of the motel? Going to the church, paying for the pews, Henry in the church?
13. The Christmas tree theme, Nina and love of Christmas trees? Her writing on the can of peas about a miracle? Their getting their can back from the charity?
14. Lining up for food, Julie meeting her friends, her friend’s discretion, especially after her supporting Alicia with her ambitious senator husband? Natalie and her meeting Tessa, everything destroyed in the fire, their becoming friends? The irony of Tessa having the coat that Natalie disliked and gave away?
15. Going to the tree farm, the millions of trees, Henry and his story, the death of his wife, the story of his courting her, their daughter and her illness? Giving away the trees – and people giving goods in return? Offering the family to stay, their working, the effect on each of them, the good hard work, Nick liking it, Natalie making her dresses, Nina and her looking at all the trees?
16. The offer for them to stay? David and his trying to persuade Henry to sell? David contacting the senator, his campaign, the wealthy man and his need for warehouses? Henry not wanting to sell?
17. The sadness of Henry’s death? The family wondering what they would do? David and his change of heart about the sale, phoning the senator? The lawyer arriving, the estate left to the family? The senator arriving, pressurising the sale. Mr King, his listening to Nina play the cello, the memory of the Christmas card that David sent when he was sacked? Mr King allowing them to stay, Natalie and her dresses, Nick and his having saved the young boy from bullying at school, his father getting the tree, associated with the University, Tom and his studying ecology?
18. The emphasis on kindness to others – and the possible miracles that ensue?