UK, 2010, 90 minutes, Colour.
Domhnall Gleeson, Ian Hart, Antonia Campbell- Hughes, Paul Rhys.
Directed by Nicholas Renton.
In many ways, this is an impressive film television. It focuses on the famine in Ethiopia in 1984 – 1985 and the response of Bob Geldof.
The Bob of the title is Bob Geldof while the Harvey of the title is Harvey Goldsmith, a businessman, entrepreneur. Domhnall Gleeson gives very interesting interpretation and impersonation of Bob Geldof. Ian Hart is Goldsmith.
The film opens with Geldof dismayed at the famine in Ethiopia, organising his friends to make a Christmas record and harassing his boss. The record is a success and raises a great deal of money. When Geldof goes to Ethiopia himself, followed by the press, and experiences the situation firsthand, he then decides to organise a huge concert, drawing on the celebrity talent of the period. He harangues Goldsmith who finally gives in, working with staff and having to put up with the constant changes in Geldof’s mind as well as his unwritten contracts and continued promises which are, in fact, lies.
The film shows in detail the preparation for the concert in the UK, negotiations for a second concert, ultimately in Philadelphia, changing the dates to suit Bruce Springsteen, going in person to persuade Paul Mc Cartney to perform.
He is helped by the new secretary of the record company whom he imposes on but who becomes loyal to him, humanising him in many ways, intervening with ideas.
The film has glimpses only of Paula Yates – but, on this evidence, it is quite understandable why she left Bob Geldof.
People who do significant things, people who are crusaders, can be very difficult to live with especially as they impose their own idealism on offers.
1. A true story, embellished and developed? The initial disclaimers? Strong dialogue, situations?
2. Ethiopia in the 1980s, Live Aid? Band Aid? Work for the starving? The aftermath of the 1985 concert?
3. 1984 – 1985, Ethiopia, the visuals of the starvation, the masses of people, the need for aid? Bob Geldof watching the television, the effect on him? Geldof as a singer, his decision to produce the record, the artists, waiving their fees? Playing the record on radio, his urging people to buy the record, the results?
4. The effect of the news of Ethiopia on Geldof, on others? The need to do something?
5. Bob Geldof and his history, the Boomtown Rats, his career, his calling on all his friends?
6. His reluctance to go to Ethiopia, his visit, the interviews, the cameras, the visuals, the effect? His conscience?
7. His promoting the cause of Ethiopia? The meeting with Mrs Thatcher, the discussion, his confronting her, the issue of butter and her refusal, her moving on? Different opinions?
8. Geldof and his work, the record company, exasperating the boss, the arguments? Marcia and arrival, his using her desk for the phone calls? Her asserting herself? his getting home, asking her to pick him up, asking the donation? Marcia, working with him, humanising him? Domhnall Gleeson’s performance, his look, accent, appearance, style, clothes, obsessions?
9. The idea for the concert, the expanding idea, a concert, on television, Channel 4 refusal, the negotiations with the personnel at the BBC, the range of artists, not having written contracts, word-of-mouth, his inventing what he wanted? The issue of $3 million from the American network? The transfer to Philadelphia? The people involved?
10. Bob Geldof’s home life, marriage to Paula Yates, the glimpses of her and the child? His age, his being away from home, and on his nerves, meeting Goldsmith, challenging, the demand? Persuading him to work? The demands, the lies, the contracts? Months of exasperation?
11. Half, the promoter, his style, at the airport, the pressures on him? The idea, issue of fees, the demands, the ambitions, the contracts, the business sense? The issue of Paul Mc Cartney? Of Bruce Springsteen? The phone calls, Springsteen and the change of date?
12. The discussions, the lies, promotion, television and radio, the weeks of tension?
13. Bob, intense, the demands for the money from the US? The idea of two concerts? The initial press conference, the questions, the lack of enthusiasm from the journalists? The change of tone? More support? His being invited to his school, his speech, urging kids, swearing, their applauding?
14. The visit to Paul Mc Cartney, in the garden, not wanting to perform live, agreeing to It?
15. The contact for food and supplies in Ethiopia? His meeting with the agent? The phone calls, the issues of money, the trucks and ships and the demands?
16. The days, getting closer, the effect on each, health, nerves, Bob Geldof and his back? Marcia and continued support and interventions? Goldsmith, his speech to the staff, the rehearsals, the timing and needs, clocks and the clock around his neck?
17. The start of the concert, Charles and Diana? The crowds arriving? The effect, the lack of donations despite the enjoyment of the concert? Bob persuaded to speak on television and make the appeal? Bob swearing, urging people to give the money? The build-up of the donations?
18. Paul Mc Cartney, Let it Be, the lack of a microphone, people singing, joining him at the end?
19. The aftereffect, on Bob Geldof, his subsequent life, various appeals, concerts?
20. Audiences, worldwide? The fulfilment of a dream? Support for charity?
21. The final information about the characters and the concert?