UK/US, 2007, 95 minutes, Colour.
Pierce Brosnan, Gerald Butler, Maria Bello, Claudette Mink, Callum Keith Rennie.
Directed by Mike Barker.
Butterfly on a Wheel is a quotation from the poet, Alexander Pope, his Epistle to Dr Arbuthnot, indicating an enormous effort, a small victim, a brutal result.
This film is an interesting psychological thriller. The centre of attention is a successful businessman in Chicago, Neil, played by Gerard Butler. Fate and luck seem to be going his way, a beautiful wife, a lovely young daughter, success in business contracts.
One day, travelling with his wife, a mysterious stranger emerges from the back seat with a gun and all kinds of threats, wanting to know the lengths to which Neil would go to save his daughter. He is certainly put to the test. As the tests progress, his nerves begin to shatter. His terrified wife, Abby, Maria Bello, seems to be able to remain calmer than Neil.
The tests include getting money from the bank, all their savings, the mysterious stranger setting it alight, Neil having to stand on the roof of a building despite his vertigo, threats to his wife. Ultimately, his being urged to kill someone to save his daughter.
This does seem very mysterious, especially when the cruel men threatening is played by Pierce Brosnan. But, there is an explanation, a twist at the end – and then a final, at unexpected, twist.
The film has been directed by Mike Barker, a television director whose films include To Kill a King and A Good Woman.
1. A psychological study, thriller? The effect of the twists?
2. The title, the quotation, as applying to Neil?
3. The easy going introduction to Neil and his wife, at home, love for their daughter, husbands and wives love, the light touch, the gift, seeing Neil off? At work, his success, the contracts, the bosses of the discussions, luck? The presence of Judy? All going well?
4. In the car with his wife, going to an alleged business meeting, Abby going to meet her sister? The shock with Tom in the back of the car, the gun, his appearance? The mystery?
5. Tom, anonymous, the audience seeing him on the roof of the building with the binoculars, his character, cruelty, threats? Attitude towards Neil? Abusive? His treatment of Abby? The variety of tests, asking what lengths Neil would go to save his daughter? The phone calls to his daughter, the babysitter and hiring her? Suspicions? Going to the bank, Neil nervous, the parking issue, Abby getting the money? Tom and his burning the money? Neil’s shock?
6. Becoming more frantic, his nerves? Abby to bring the envelope, Neil watching, phoning her, asking her not to deliver the envelope? Accusations of fraud?
7. The babysitter, the call, the questions?
8. In the hotel, entering the room, Tom catching them, Tom and his advances, Abby changing into the red dress? Tom taking Abbey?
9. Coaxing Tom on to the roof, his vertigo, his standing?
10. Neil going to the police, his explanations, the police and reassuring that his wife had come and said that this would happen?
11. Going to his destination, Tom giving him the gun, to kill the person inside, Neil and his encounter with Judy, the audience not knowing about the affair, Neil and his reaction, being taunted, pulling the trigger, there being no bullet? Tom as Judy’s husband, the photos on the mantelpiece?
12. Tom’s revenge, explanations?
13. Neil and his like his wife, going back, the revelation of her planning, setting him up, the manipulation, her pain and his experiencing it?
14. Effective as a psychological thriller, twists and their effect?