US, 2014, 92 minutes, colour Colour.
Luke Evans, Sarah Gadon, Dominic Cooper, Charles Dance, Paul Kaye.
Directed by Gary Shore.
Who would have thought there was more to tell about Dracula? There have been so many versions of Bram Stoker’s novel. There have been so many inventive stories(and still many more lacking inventiveness, relying rather on exploitation) about what Dracula might have done in his vampire incarnations. In the prologue to Bram Stokers Dracula, directed by Francis Ford Coppola, there was a historical prologue about Vlad the Impaler, his battles against the Turks,his vicious style of massacring his foes, the suicide of his wife and his being angry at the refusal of Christian burial for her, deciding that he would be anti-God.
Something of this latter history is incorporated into Dracula Untold.
Vlad Is shown battling the Turks, after having been taken by them from his father at a young age and brought up by them. However, he has returned to his kingdom, based at Castle Dracula. He has restored peace, is happily married, has a son. The Turks are sending out spies and they have mysteriously disappeared. They have been killed in a cave, inhabited by bats.
Needless to say, the commanding Turk, Mehmed, Dominic Cooper, is not happy and threatens the kingdom.
What follows is very interesting for Dracula fans and so a recommendation to them to see how Dracula confronts an ageing vampire, Charles Dance, and is explanations of how he became a vampire as well as his confrontation with Vlad. A bargain is pledged with Vlad trying to save his people, save his wife, save his son who has in turn been abducted by the Turks.
This means that there are a number of battle scenes, Vlad struggling to keep the bargain with the vampire and his promise to save everyone will still struggling with his craving for blood. The film takes up all kinds of memories of vampire lore, how to protect oneself, how to destroy vampires.
Just before the end, the plot moves to indicate that there will be no sequel, which might be disappointing for those who like British actor Luke Evans as Vlad. But, we have been from definitely told, not untold, that vampires live forever so there is a reassuring ending, along with the big box office that this film has had in the United States, that there will be more to tell about Dracula.
1. This film and traditional stories about Dracula? Bram Stoker’s story? Variations?
2. The title, or the history of Vlad the impaler, as a vampire?
3. The settings, Transylvania, the countryside, Castle, the mountains, the battle sequences? The musical score?
4. Vlad as a boy, taken from his father, brought up with the Turks? His knowing them, the language? Returning home, his wife, his son, peace in the land,
his courtiers and warriors? The news of the Turkish spies, going to the mountain, finding the cave, the eerie interior, the dead, the bats?
5. Mehmed, his past, leading the Turks, his demands, wanting 1000 boys in place of the lost troops? His ambassador, coming into the meal, arrogance, the threats?
6. The portrait of Vlad’s wife, his love for her, his son, volunteering to go with the Turks, asking whether he was brave?
7. Vlad climbing the cliffs, going into the cave, the legend of the vampire and his bargain for power, his appearance, long life as undead? His talking with Vlad, the discussion about the bargain, some hope for the vampire, the blood, the thirst? The days, and the vigils, going to his wife, not giving in?
8. The confrontation with the Turks, the battles, the destruction? The final battle with Mehmed and his death?
9. Vlad returning to his wife, causing her death, rescuing his son, telling him to go away with the monk?
10. Turning the community into vampires, the fierce battle with the Turks, their wanting to continue, the elder, Vlad destroying the them all? His own death?
11. The Igor character, visiting earlier, Vlad repelling him, the legend visit, the blood into Vlad’s mouth? His revival?
12. The 21st century, Vlad in the contemporary world, his clothes, at the restaurant? The old vampire, also well-dressed, watching him? The encounter with the young woman, memories of his wife? Preparation for the sequel?