US, 2000, 105 minutes, Colour.
Billy Crudup, Jennifer Connelly, Hal Holbrook, Paul Hipp, Lawrence Dane, John Carroll Lynch, Ed Harris, Janet Mc Teer, Molly Parker.
Directed by Keith Gordon.
Actor Keith Gordon has directed a number of interesting firms including The Chocolate Factory, Mother Night and A Midnight Clear.
This film is based on a novel by Scott Spencer (Endless Love). It is romantic story. But, it is also a political story.
The film opens in 1974 with the assassination of some Chilean refugees after the downfall of the Allende regime. Watching the footage and deeply grieving is Fielding, former coastguard officer, now studying with the intention of becoming a Senator. The scene moves to 1983 and the senatorial campaign. but, interspersed are many memories of Fielding’s (Billy Crudup) relationship with Sarah (Jennifer Connelly), their love, her work at the Catholic shelter, his wariness, the visit to Chile with two priests and bringing back refugees. One of the great qualities of the film is Billy Crudup’s performance and his quiet communication of his deep love for Sarah. Jennifer Connelly is also moving as Sarah.
The strong supporting cast includes Hal Holbrook as Fielding’s political mentor, Molly Parker as his political niece, Janet Mc Teer as Fielding sister and Paul Hipp as his brother.
It is interesting to look back at the 1970s and their political, leftist tendencies in the light of making the film at the end of the 1990s.
1. Little-seen, but well liked and reviewed?
2. The title, intimations ghosts?
3. The two periods of 1973, 1983? Similarities? Differences?
4. The opening, the television footage of the assassinations? Sarah’s death? Fielding watching, weeping intensely?
5. 1973, Fielding’s story? Coastguard, visiting his brother, the contrast, hippie style? On the table, Sarah coming in, the response? Fielding, the protégé of Isaac? Isaac and his political knowledge, connections, personality? His niece, Janet? Ambitions, political traditions, the “golden boy” of his family and society? Studying law? Ambitions for the Senate?
6. The attraction to Sarah, talking with her, walking, sharing, the meal? The contrast between the WASP and the Catholic? The relationship, sexual relationship? Her work, the, holding the baby, the Project, the people at the shelter? Stephen, Fr Stanton? The discussions, the clientele, the nuns? The assassination of Allende? The decision to go to Chile, the two priests coming to the apartment, Fielding disagreeing, but giving some money? The return, the meal, the refugees and their being anti-US, feeling upset, Stephen and his comment, Sarah agreeing? The sequences as the background to Sarah’s death, the scene of the funeral, the priest protesting, the priest and preaching?
7. The effect on Fielding, the years passing, study, continued support Isaac, the relationship with Janet, sexual, but remembering Sarah? His arguments with Janet, leaving? Janet destined to be a politician’s wife? The love lasting – especially if he lost the election?
8. Fielding’s sister, support, listening? His parents, traditions, Fielding and his talk with his father, wanting to be good? His brother, calming down, publishing, his girlfriend, Asian, in the brothel, his request for Fielding to make a call? Fielding as adamant, his brother not being in his district?
9. The memories of Sarah, being interspersed in the 1983 sequences, feeling that he was seeing her on the street, the airport, the effect, preoccupation? Ghostly image? His sister’s story, thinking she saw her in the street, another woman? The memories, the portrayal of love, the depth of feeling?
10. Tenderness, quiet passion, happy even if they disagreed with each other?
11. The election campaign, the collage of his activities? Support, his upsetting supporters by his erratic behaviour, his speech, his being elected by a small majority?
12. The meal his family, his emotional collapse, his outburst?
13. Sarah appearing, at the apartment, their talking, the realism her not wanting to put him in danger, yet her wanting to be with him? Lying on the floor? The disappearance, hallucination or not?
14. His work as a senator, his comments, the visuals of the various individuals he helped, the causes, their pleas?