US, 2012, 88 minutes, Colour.
Rob Van Dam, Dave Bautista, Lara Grice, Edrick Browne, Jerry Katz, Ja Rule.
Directed by David De Falco.
This is a typical example of the straight-to-DVD film. The emphasis is on action rather than character.
Wrestling-champion, Rob Van Dam (of course, this is not his real name, but it is fighting action by association with Jean- Claude Van Damme). While he has a lot of action talent, he is no actor.
This is a film that only those who enjoy typical low-brow action shows will want to watch.
The opening credits, very similar to those for James Bond films, are better than the film.
There is a brutal prologue in which a drug dealer is attacked, interrogated, given cement shoes and pushed into the water. The murderer, Seth, seemingly respectable, although one would not guess it by the two thugs he has in tow, not a brain between them, who assist him. And there is a payoff for a corrupt policeman.
The main story happens over one evening. Rob van Dam portrays Bobby, who works at home, has problems with his teenage daughter, tries to collaborate with his wife for her discipline. New neighbours arrive and make friends, inviting them to go out to dinner at a restaurant managed by the villain we have already seen.
All seems very nice until the brother (later revealed as his son) of the murderer attempts to rape Bobby’s wife. He confronts him, the young man pulls a knife, is full of cocaine, and Bobby throws him away from his wife. The young man hits his head and dies.
The rest of the film, needless to say, has the gangster in pursuit of Bobby, putting a bounty of $100,000 on his head, which means that a number of the local thugs get in on the act. The two couples from the restaurant are taken to the police station – and, of course, the corrupt cop is there to interrogate them.
The screenplay takes a lot of opportunities for fights, it being revealed that Bobby actually is an ex-Navy Seal, trained to kill. Bobby does not have it all is own way, goes to a former friend whom he has ignored for years but whose life he saved in the past and now asks for a favour. At first, not, the man betraying him – but then having a change of mind and heart, killing some of the assailants, and turning up at the right time to save his old friend.
In the meantime, Seth goes berserk about the death of his son, confronts the policeman, abducting Bobby’s daughter – as bait for Bobby to turn up, which he does. More fights.
Ultimately, the policeman has a change of heart about the daughter’s abduction but he is shot for his pains. Finally, all-out fight leading to the death, of course, of Seth, and happy family reunion.
Typical of its type.