UK, 2004, 132 minutes, Colour.
Charlize Theron, Penelope Cruz, Stuart Townsend, Steven Berkoff.
Directed by John Duigan.
A Head in the Clouds is an ambitious project for English-born but Australian director, John Duigan. Daikon had a successful career in Australia from the 1970s and then some films in the United Kingdom.
This is a story of the Civil War in Spain and World War II. However, a great deal of the early part of the film focuses on two characters, Guy, Stuart Townsend, and Gilda, Charlize Theron. (the couple were partners for many years and this shows in the ease with which they act together.)
Some audiences may find the first part of the film to slow, concentrating as as it does on introducing the two characters, he’s studying at Cambridge and then teaching, she a woman of the world, involved in many affairs, including with the don which is how she makes guy. Eventually, he moves to Paris and shares her life with her then with a Spanish woman, training to be a nurse, Mia, Penelope Cruz. They lead an easy life, Gilda with few responsibilities, and living an easy life, the other two concerned about social and socialist issues and they eventually go to Spain to take part in the Civil War.
The latter part of the film is about the occupation of Paris, Gilda and her relationship with a German officer, Thomas Kretschmann, thought of as a collaborator but, as Guy eventually discovers, part of the resistance.
The film recreates the different worlds shown quite lavishly.
1. A period story, the 1930s, 1940s? The life of the affluent, ease? The contrast with the Civil War in Spain, World War II and occupied France?
2. The title, the truth and the ironies, in relationship to each of the three characters?
3. The events in Cambridge, London, Paris in the 1930s, the affluent world, the film world, fashion and photography? The contrast with Spain at war, harshness, the fighting, the hospitals? Paris during the occupation, the high life for collaborators? The Germans? The resistance and their operations, dangers? Liberation? The musical score?
4. Guy’s story? His British background, studying in Cambridge, an earnest young man, Gilda coming out of the rain, helping her, the beginning of his infatuation? His devotion to her over the years? Events in London, socials, dancing, Gilda leading him on? His life and work as a teacher, relationships, socialist concerns, seeing Gilda in the film, going to Paris, re-connecting? The love, her devotion to him? Meeting Mia, the menage, Guy’s staying in Paris, helping with the photography? His love for Gilda and its effect? His reading the papers, concern about Spain? Sharing Gilda with Mia, Mia and Gilda, their dancing? Unable to tell Gilda about their going to Spain?
5. Guy’s experience in Spain, snow clad mountains, the file of soldiers, shooting, Guy killing someone, finding the locket of his wife and the impact on him? Right into Gilda, getting alliances? Meeting up with Mia, their talking, the bond between the two, their love for Gilda, the news her death, sad? Back to France, the meeting with Gilda?
6. In London, watching the war newsreels, interesting? The impact of Hitler? His credentials were being dropped into France, parachute? Joining the resistance, seeing Gilda with the German, waiting for her, the sexual encounter? The resistance, calling him to account, the threats to him? The resistance, the priest, in the basement? Medical care and the priest? His going back to London, meeting the commander again, being sent back on his own volition? His concern about Gilda, learning that she was part of the resistance? His being too late, the liberation, reading her letter and her declaration of love as well as her work?
7. Gilda, her family, her father, the rich family? The death of her mother? Gilda’s beauty, in England, the liaison with the academic? Seductive manner? Leaving London, appearing in the film, in Paris, her relationships, the photography, the tableau and Mia as part of it? Her love for Mia? Yet detached and not replying to Guido or Mia?
8. The occupation, with the German, fashionable restaurants, the people criticising her, the scenes with the German officer? Seeing Guy, giving him the information? The effect of the resistance? The sabotage on the railways? Guy and his being wounded?
9. Mia, her story, wanting to be a ballerina, her father wanting her to be a gymnast, the injuries, harassment, wanting to be a nurse, leaving her family, going to Paris, the training, friendship and love, the dancing with Gilda? Going to Spain, her commitment, her death?
10. The men in Gilda’s life, the don and his reputation being saved, the entrepreneur, seeing Mia’s wounds - and her behaviour with the entrepreneur, tying him up, beating him, locking him in?
11. The visit to her father, his influence on her? Her not wanting to marry after Guy’s proposal? A mad mother and a harsh father?
12. The experience of the war in Spain, in France? A perspective on society and involvement in the war?