US, 2007, 101 minutes, Colour.
Kevin Bacon, Marcy Gay Harden, Miles Heizer, Margo Martindale.
Directed by Alison Eastwood.
Rails & Ties is a small film, not often seen. And it was directed by Alison Eastwood, daughter of Clint Eastwood who also had a career as an actress.
The plot is fairly straightforward. The first focus is on a couple, he a train driver, she dying of cancer. He is reluctant to use the word ‘death’ and does not want to stay home and have time with his dying wife, preferring to drive his train. The second focus is on a physically and mentally ill mother, her 12-year-old son, her plans to drive to the rail line and for them both to be killed.
The driver makes the decision not to stop the train for fear of derailment and more injury than that of the woman who placed her car on the train line. He has to stop driving and await a hearing about his decision. In the meantime, the young boy finds out where the driver lives and goes to confront him. However, all does not turn out as might have been expected. The boy has been placed in foster care but finds a harsh mother and he runs away, finding, by contrast, a welcome from the driver and his wife, even to their accepting him as their son and not reporting him to social welfare.
There is pathos as the wife dies, as the driver decides to take responsibility for the boy – who has responded so well to their care.
1. A small film? Little-known? Themes? Cast?
2. The title, the basic ideas, trains, the crash, the orphaned boy and the consequences, Megan and Tom and their relationship with David?
3. A piece of Americana, trains and lines, homes and situations, fostering, welfare?
4. Tom, his marriage to Megan, her cancer? His sturdiness, at home? being away? driving the train, ignoring the advice to have some time off, the repartee with the drivers, driving, the chat, the car on the line, slowing down, the decision not to stop the train for fear of derailment and injury? The consequences?
5. David, at home, his mother, her illness, her devout prayer, Psalm 64 and praying it, Grace? The breakfast, the pills, taking them, giving them to David but his spitting them out, driving to the rail line, stopping at the rails?
6. David, at home, in the car, trying to get his mother out, escaping the crash? The consequences, the ambulance, the police, the rail authorities?
7. David, his age, with his mother, the impact of her death, going to the foster home, the harsh treatment by the mother, locked in his room, his escape, going to the railways, pretending to be Tom’s nephew, getting the information? Going to the house, attacking Tom, his anger and frustration? Tom and his rational replies? Megan and her care? His response to them, Tom and his train set? Tom allowing him to stay, Megan grateful? The outing, the joy and excitement, at home, David accepting Tom’s explanation? The creating of the bonds, the ties, sharing? Tom bringing David home, Megan and her love, the shopping for clothes, the social welfare inspector and their telling lies? David and his tantrum, upset, blaming himself for his mother’s death? With Megan, the sadness of her dying and the effect on David? With Tom, going to the building, the future?
8. Megan, childless, Megan being honest about talking of death, Tom reluctant? The suffering, the visits of her friend, looking after her? The argument with Tom, making the case for keeping David? The effect of David’s presence on them both?
9. The hearing, the witnesses, Tom explaining his case, David wanting to be present at the hearing? Tom being found not guilty?
10. The issue of care, fostering and harsh adults in their treatment of children? The inspector, her questions – seeing them at the outing and not reporting them?
11. The impact of Megan’s death? Tom and his talking about school David’s future? The hopes for a future?