Saturday, 18 September 2021 19:51

Basque Ball: Skin against Stone


Spain, 2003, 110 minutes, Colour.
Directed by Julio Medem.

Julio Medem comes from the Basque country but has established himself as a major Spanish director (Lovers of the Arctic Circle, Sex and Lucia).
Disturbed at attitudes towards the Basques, towards the activity of ETA and by the stances of the conservative government which lost power immediately after the March 2004 bombings in Madrid, he decided to interview as many people as possible, from the widest range of opinions as possible and collate them into a documentary which would enable audiences to hear all sides of the question. Some ETA representatives declined as did some government spokespersons (in fact, the government denounced the film, sight unseen, and wanted it banned). Despite the limitations, Medem has constructed a documentary that provides plenty of material for thought - and an attempt to listen and talk rather than denounce and resort to violence.

The result is a film that runs almost two hours. Available also are three 90 minute episodes for television, a five hour DVD version (incorporating interviews that could not be used in the film or for TV) and a website.

For those not familiar with the detail of Spanish history and politics, there is a great deal of information as well as some time for reflection. Medem believes listening leading to reflection is the best catalyst for reconciliation.