US, 2014, 131 minutes, Colour.
James Mc Avoy, Michael Fassbender, Hugh Jackman, Patrick Stewart, Ian Mc Kellen, Jennifer Lawrence, Nicholas Hoult, Peter Dinklage, Ellen Page, Omar Sy, Shawn Ashmore. Evan Peters, Halle Berry, Lucas Till, Michael Lerner, Bingning Fan, Anna Paquin, Famke Jansen, James Marsden, Brian Cox, Kelsey Grammar.
Directed by Bryan Singer.
With a time-tangle title like this, it is not a surprise to find that time travel is a central part of the plot. This also offers the opportunity to see Charles Xavier the younger (James Mc Avoy) and older (Patrick Stewart) as well is Magneto the younger (Michael Fassbender) and older (Ian Mc Kellen) – life in a futuristic 21st century and then back in 1974.
Things are not going well in our future world. Machines have been invented to combat the Mutants. And they are winning. Charles Xavier and Erik Lehnsherr/Magneto join forces and deliberate on who is the best person to send back into the past. With the popularity of so many sequels and the development of the character and adventures of Wolverine, it is not a particularly difficult choice. And off Hugh Jackman goes in the time machine to try to resolve the problems of the early 1970s.
The problem concerns Mystique (Jennifer Lawrence), who has something of the truth of the new machines to challenge the mutants and is on a mission to find the Professor (Peter Dinklage) who had the ear of American military officials but has lost favour with his theories and expenses.
The first mission is to release Magneto from prison, the highest security guarded prison, with a character called Quicksilver who does the judge job with expertise – but, Magneto unleashed, is a dangerous presence in the world, using his extraordinary powers to contract front government officials even on the lawn of the White House. Also has extraordinary shape-shifting powers, becoming ordinary people in the crowd taking on the presence of Richard Nixon or of Mystique.
Needless to say, this film offers quite a number of opportunities for extraordinary special effects. As with all the X-Men? films, great attention is given to these effects.
In case audiences with long memories, back to 1970, are wondering about President Nixon, from this film it seems that President Nixon had much more to worry about than Watergate.
While Wolverine is doing his best back in the 1970s, matters are getting worse in the future, so in the latter part of the film, a great deal of attention and effects are given to the Mutants, with the introductions some new ones, to the battle with the enemies.
While the film resolves its problems, another sequel is on the way – the large box-office and the success of this particular chapter has ensured.
1. The popularity of the film? A new episode amongst many sequels? Drawing on the main characters? The Mutants, the hostility, the need to change history?
2. The title, location, the tangle of times?
3. The problem, the future, dark, the Mutants under siege, the Sentinels and their capacity for destruction? The sets, black and dark? The range of the Mutants, Charles and Erik, working together? Kitty and the rush down the corridor, her capacities, consciousness, the discussions about the journey to the past, the limits, the agreement that Logan should go?
4. The contrast with 1973, Paris at the time of the meeting? The spectacle and Paris streets? Washington, the Nixon era, the movement of the huge Superbowl and its effect?
5. The make up, for each Mutant? Changes in transformation? The special effects for the Sentinels? The computer graphics? The musical score?
6. The plot, the need to go back and the possibility for changing history? The introduction to Professor Trask and his inventions? Mystique and her wanting to destroy Trask? The danger for her, her blood to be taken, to mix with the Sentinels and the greater ability to track and destroy the Mutants? Logan and his mission? To seek the Professor, to find Erik?
7. Logan, his waking up in 1973, the woman, the gangsters, his getting their car, finding the school, abandoned? The encounter with Hank and his reaction? Hank’s trouble and his transformation into the Beast? Charles, his poor condition, the loss of his legs, the drugs enabling him to stand and walk, but dimming his consciousness and powers? His bond with Raven, the change in the relationship? His not wanting to be involved, the role of Hank? Logan telling Charles his story? The effect of Raven and her transformation to Mystique?
8. Going to get Quicksilver, his introduction to the Pentagon, Erik and his imprisonment, solitary, Quicksilver helping with the escape? Erik and the relationship with Mystique?
9. Mystique in herself, her past, with Charles? The episode in Vietnam, the Colonel going into the tent, the range of Mutants, Mystique in disguise, getting the Mutants out and onto the plane?
10. Erik, the role of the Sentinels, Trask, his abilities? Mystique shape changing into Trask to get his files? Mystique in Paris, the encounter with Charles, the confrontation? Erik drawing her, her transformation into the African American woman?
11. The episodes in Paris, everybody involved, the action?
12. Kitty, the continual control of Logan, his claws coming out and having to go back, the changes in his consciousness, the drugs, his fears?
13. Washington, 1973, President Nixon? The security? The reactions to the announcements? Nixon confronting Erik? Mystique disguised as Nixon, the
garden, the decision? Mystique putting the gun down, the future saved?
14. Charles and Erik, older, together, their past? Supporting Logan on his mission? Erik and his going out to confront the sentinels?
15. The Professor and his past, the mission, helping, his being pinned down, but sharing consciousness, appearing to Mystique?
16. Hank, as the Beast, nice, his gifts, becoming beastly, his activities and help? His participation in the mission?
17. Storm and the others, in the future, fighting the Sentinels?
18. Trask, his ambitions, interest in the Mutants, the plan for the Sentinels, his speech to Congress representatives, their turning him down? With Nixon,
and Nixon approving his plans? The White House? Erik and his moving the Bowl to surround the White House?
19. Erik, his display in Washington, the magnetism, activating the ball, the destruction, the confrontation with Nixon? His speech while elevated, challenge? Trask and his arrest?
20. American politics in 1973, Vietnam, Congress, Watergate, the White House, Nixon?
21. The place of the Mutants, their role in society, living in harmony with humans, human fear?
22. Logan, drowning, reviving, seeing Jean again, going back to the school, the students, all the teachers – and everything seeming all right again?