Ireland/Germany, 2012, 90 minutes, Colour.
Iain Glen, Nora- Jane Noone, Killian Scott, Niall Buggy.
Directed by Stuart Orme.
In this fourth film in the Jack Taylor series, there is more emphasis on Taylor’s mother, recovering from her stroke, spending time with her son who is now six months without a drink. There is pathos when his mother collapses and dies, commiseration from friends, his personal grief, her funeral. The film also continues the association with Kate, the new head of the police, Griffiths, who is keen on Kate and wants her off association with Taylor.
The mystery story this time concerns a girl who dies of an overdose in the quadrangle of the College, as well as the disappearance of another girl and her being dead from drugs. Taylor is asked by one of the lecturers to investigate the girl’s death, all linked with John Millington Synge’s play Deirdre of the Sorrows. Throughout the film there are many references, quotes, videos of performances – and, finally, the threat to Kate, made up and dressed like Deirdre.
There are various suspects, including a permissive lecturer who introduced the girls to drugs. There is a disturbed young man who Taylor had blinded in one eye after an altercation.
The film blends the personal story, and Taylor’s work with Cody, sending him undercover as a student to get information about the lecturer. Taylor also has a night with Cody’s mother, Cody is shocked. There is quite a melodramatic finale, where Kate is asked by the murderer to make a choice between Griffiths and Taylor. There is a final rescue, with the help of Cody.
1. The further Jack Taylor murder mystery, a further development of his personal story?
2. Jack and his relationship with his mother, the information from The Magdalen Martyrs? His mother’s past, in the laundry, her hardness, relationship with her husband, her son leaving home, the meeting again, the stroke? His keeping company with his mother in this story? Her collapse and dying? His grief, the memories of his talks with her, quoting Deirdre of the Sorrows and her not knowing literature? The importance of the parish priest, his bringing Jack and his mother together in the previous film, his grief at her death, Taylor suspecting that they had an affair, his comment about people not expecting decency of the clergy at this time, his platonic relationship with Mary, his love for her and missing her?
3. Kate, reinstated, urged to follow the letter of the law, the friendship with Griffiths, going out with him, kiss, discussions, his warning about Jack? The discussions with Jack, giving him photos and the notes? Following leads, going to the bookstore, pretending to want drugs, the man attacking, the knife, the fight, escape? Jack and his concern for Kate? Her being taken by all, make-up and dressed like Deirdre, the throne? The drugs, the death of Griffiths in front of Jack and is trying to make her breathe, the rescue by Cody?
4. The background of Deirdre of the Sorrows, the play, John Millington Synge, quotes, the performance, the whole mythology, Deirdre’s spreading sorrow, the choices? The interpretation with the men causing the pain? The visuals of the performance, Professor Gorman directing, his wife? Her being Deirdre, affairs, infidelities, with Doyle, the one night with Taylor? The madness of Gorman?
5. Gorman, concerned about Sarah and her death, his coming to Taylor, paying for the investigation? The meetings, the payment? Going to his home, his drinking? His memories, his being concerned, seeming sanity?
6. Cody, with his mother, the lack of cases, eagerness, going to the classes, taking notes, the puzzle about Oedipus, the young girl helping him, documents, information? Checking with Jack, finding him with his mother, hitting Jack, apologising? His being an item with the young woman? The concern about the young man with one eye? The rescue at the end?
7. The man with a blind eye, the story about the Swans, Taylor hitting him with his laser, his loss of his eye, his dealing marijuana, his disappearance, attack on Jack, Jack controlling him? Suspect?
8. Doyle, lectures at the University, Cody listening to him? His relationship with the girls, the evidence against him? The arrest, the interrogations? His dealing drugs, buying them at the bookshop, introducing them to the girls?
9. The bookshop, linked to the girls, the bookseller and his dealing drugs, clash with Kate? His being interrogated?
10. Life at college, drugs, relationships? Deaths?
11. All the pieces of the puzzle coming together? Gorman and his madness, pretending that he was bashed by Jack? Going to the police? His murder of the girls, his motivations? The influence of the play, the influence of his wife, getting revenge on Jack for the one night stand? The finale, Kate, his plans thwarted?