US, 2012, 94 minutes, Colour.
Vera Farmiga, David Duchovny, Graham Phillips, Justin Kirk, Ty Burrell, Keri Russell, Anthony Anderson, Dakota Johnson, Alan Ruck.
Directed by Christopher Neil.
Goats is an offbeat drama, a story about ageing hippies as well as a teenager and his coming of age.
The goats in the title refer literally to goats, looked after by the Goat Man, played by the very hirsute David Duchovny, quite unrecognisable until he shaves and has a haircut at the end. He works for a wealthy woman, played by Vera Framiga, who takes in a toyboy type, played by Justin Kirk. She is very much into New Age therapies, yoga, primal screams…
But the main story is about her son, played by Graham Phillips, precocious in some ways, reliant on the Goat Man as a mentor, into drugs, loving his mother but exasperated by her, against the toyboy. He is about to go to a special Preparatory school in New England.
The film is interesting showing his life in the school, his friends, antagonisms, trying to get drugs. He also makes contact with his father whom he has not seen for years as well as his new, pregnant wife. They receive him well and he sees another side of life, not influenced by the reactions of his mother.
He returns home, goes with the Goat Man on a visit to Mexico which involves drugs and the Goat Man disappears. However, he does return, ousts the toyboy, links up with the mother – and the boy, still loving his mother, is able to find his complementary family with his father, his wife and his half brother.
1. The title? The Goatman? The actual goats? In themselves, led, the treks? Symbolic?
2. Arizona and the landscapes, the home, the border territory, Mexico? The desert, the mountains? The contrast with New York? The school? The musical score?
3. Ellis’s story, his age, schooling at home, friends, his relationship with his mother, her moods? His friendship with Goatman and his guidance, advice, supplier drugs? The discussions? Going on the treks? Going to Mexico, the drug issue, his disappearance? The drugs not posted and the later explanation from the postman? Live at home, preparing to go to college, his intelligence, clever, reading? His absent father, Fucker Frank? No connections? Later meeting him, the connection, with his wife, her pregnancy? The change in attitude of each of them? The criticism of drugs, drinking? His enjoying their company, the meal, supporting them, the future? A new brother? Going with them to Europe? his age, experience, drugs and dependence?
4. The Goatman, Javier? His real name? The hippie style, his past, his knowledge of goats, the treks, friendship with Ellis, his advice? Jobs around the house? Relationship with Wendy? Her lover and his eccentricities, the clashes? Seeing the lover and the sexual encounter with the man? Going on the treks, going to Mexico, the connections in Mexico, the town, the drug situation, his disappearing? Returning, changing his appearance? His motivations? His hair, ordinary? Ellis returning, their friendship? The lover going? The final image and Wendy pregnant?
5. Wendy, her moods, hippie, plenty of cash and knowing what was there but not a good administrator? The separation from Frank? Ellis and his growing up? Being a loving mother yet narcissistic, New Age and going to Sidona, the gurus, the primal scream? Not phoning her son at school? Her relationship with her lover, sharing with him, ousting him?
6. Ellis going to college, his roommate, the clashes, discussions, the issues of drugs? The fight and the roommate kicking in the groin? The teacher and his supervision, knowing his father, wanting some discipline? Helping the roommate with his exam? The need for drugs, their not being sent, the postman and the later explanation? Seeing the girl, talking with her, her reputation, the library, the discussion about books and The Great Gatsby, The Grapes of Wrath? The bond with her, the connections, the abrupt break off?
7. Frank, in himself, with his new wife, the past, marriage, pregnancy? The visit, the meal, taking an interest, their walks together? The boy who stole the bike, the confrontation in the town and retrieving the bike? The wife, pregnant, the meal, nice? Anticipation of the baby? The effect on Ellis, the holiday?
8. The lover, the toyboy, his attitudes, gay behaviour with the old man, Wendy’s requests to sharing, the gurus? Not liking Ellis? The clashes with Goat Man?
9. Ellis, his background in overcoming it, his new discoveries, change, the future?