Italy, 2010, 90 minutes, Colour.
Treat Williams, Luigi Ciardo.
Directed by Massimo Natale.
Martino’s Summer is a brief film set in 1980, on the Italian coast, near an American military installation. It was the period when there were sabotage attacks on the Italian population and the blame was laid sometimes on the American presence. The film culminates with a tragedy at the Bologna station, many civilians being killed.
The focus of the film is a young boy on holidays with his brother. He is something of an introspective boy but is fascinated by the military presence. He cuts the wire to get onto the beach, goes for swims, steals the dog tag of the commander and gives it to his girlfriend. He is also fascinated by the Americans and their surfing, wanting to try it out himself, asking the American commander, getting his friendship and bonding with him as he is taught how to surf, to balance, to wax his surfboard, a present from the commander.
In the meantime, there is some rough-and-tumble with his brother and some of his friends, taunting the Americans vindictively and not able to understand what is happening with Martino.
Treat Williams plays the commander, seemingly speaking in Italian quite effectively. The young boy is played by Luigi Ciardo. The film is based on a novel which seems to be a memoir of the period.
1. An interesting and entertaining small-budget film? An Italian film? The American lead?
2. 1980, the political background, the political groups and their protests, sabotage, killings? The dedication of the film to those killed in the 1980 Bologna tragedy?
3. The setting, the railway station and train travel, the Italian coast, the beach, the American area? The musical score?
4. Martino, his age, with his brother, the other friends, the girls, his attraction? Yet his introspection, getting into the American area, cutting the wire, his father coming and taking him away way, criticising him? Martino stealing the dog tag, giving it to the girl, her wearing it? With the other boys, the hostility towards the Americans, mooning them? The girls and their disgust? Martino swimming, reprimanded by the Americans?
5. Martino and his interest in surfing, watching the Americans surf, talking with the commander, asking him to teach him, the commander’s reluctance, change of heart, their friendship, the bonding, the gift of the surfboard, teaching Martino balance, on the surfboard, in the water, the waves, his success? The effect on Martino, a sense of accomplishment? The commander leading, getting the photo of himself with Martino?
6. The commander, American, friendly, the dog tag and his explanation, the story about his son, leaving the military, protesting, finally going to search out his son again?
7. The boys, their attitudes, holidays, anti-American? The girls, following on? The girl and her bond with Martino, giving him the photo?
8. A variation on the coming-of-age film?