US, 2010, 83 minutes, Colour.
Josh Brolin, John Malkovich, Megan Fox, Michael Fassbender, Will Annett, Michael Shannon, Wes Bentley.
Directed by Jimmy Hayward.
Jonah Hex is based on the DC comic and audiences could expect a much better film. It received little release.
The original screenplay was by Nevilledyne and Tayler, writer of such eccentric films as Crank and Gamer. However, the film was largely rewritten and, while it retains some of their over-the-top spirit, it does not have those films vitality.
The setting is the Civil War and the post-Civil War period, the presidency of President Grant. Jonah Hex, Josh Brolin, is a Confederate soldier who rebels against his officer, Quentin Turnbull, John Malkovich in yet another eccentric role. Turnbull is a sadist and blows up a hospital while Hex kills his son. After his wife and son are killed and Hex is branded, he almost dies but is resurrected by Native Americans, enabling him to go into battle against Turnbull again. Even reviving Turnbull’s dead son to watch the proceedings.
With Turnbull planning to blow up Washington, President Grant seeks out Hex to confront Turnbull – and after his capture, along with the prostitute, Lilah, Megan Fox, they escape and thwart the plan.
The film is not always easy to follow. It has a very good cast and may be interesting for those who want to watch particular careers like those of Josh Brolin and Michael Fassbender.
1. The production values and the finished product? The over-the-top attitude of the original writers? The changing of their plan and style? The end result as interesting and entertaining?
2. Production values, the 19th century, the Civil War, post-Civil War? The pre-nuclear weapon? Action? Stunts? Effects? Musical score?
3. The origins in the comic book? From the 1970s?
4. The Civil War, Jonah Hex and the Confederate Army? The clash with Quentin Turnbull? Rebelling against him? His wife and child murdered? The branding of his face? The near death experience? Revived by the Native Americans? Turnbull allegedly dead? His becoming a bounty hunter?
5. The Civil War sequences, battle, brutality, the burning of the hospital? The killing of Turnbull’s son?
6. Turnbull, character, appearance, military, vicious and cruel? His post-war activity, blowing up the trains, the armaments?
7. President Grant, the atmosphere after the war? Antagonism towards Turnbull? The search for Jonah Hex?
8. The macabre digging up of Turnbull’s son, his after-death experience, watching the world?
9. The plan for the weapon, proto-nuclear? The attack on Washington?
10. The character of Lilah, her work as a prostitute, the relationship with Hex?
11. The capture of Lilah and Hex, being tied up, their escape?
12. The climax, confronting Turnbull, the thwarting of his plan to destroy Washington?
13. Hex, the request for him to become a sheriff, sheriff of America? His reasons for not accepting it?