US, 1942, 86 minutes, Black and white.
Fay Bainter, Edward Arnold, Richard Ney, Jean Rogers, Spring Byington Van Johnson, Sarah Allgood, Isabel Elsom, Miles Mander, Halliwell Hobbes, Dorothy Morris, Frances Rafferty, Connie Gilchrist.
Directed by Harold S. Buquet.
The War against Mrs Hadley is an early war effort film from MGM. It was released in 1942. The screenplay begins with a birthday party for Mrs Hadley on December 7th, 1941, the party being interrupted by the radio news of the bombing of Pearl Harbor.
Fay Bainter, who won an Oscar for her supporting roll in Jezebel, plays a grande dame of Washington society, widow of a prominent newspaper editor, antagonistic towards the Roosevelt government and the New Deal. Her birthday is on December 7th. She has ritual of inviting her family and friends. She is a self-absorbed woman, spoilt and rather sheltered from the realities of life. She has a fine home, butler, cook and maids.
Edward Arnold, in a sympathetic role for a change, is her old friend and works at the War Department, employing her spoilt son (Richard Ney), covering for him and his drinking absences from the office. Jean Rogers is her rather forthright daughter who falls in love with a pilot from New Jersey, Van Johnson in an early romantic role, playing it as he did for years to come. Sarah Allgood has a sympathetic role as his Irish Catholic mother.
The film shows Mrs Hadley’s haughtiness, thinking only of herself, making demands on everyone else including Elliot, her doctor, her schoolfriend Cecilia (Spring Byington) and her staff. It is only after she alienates everyone, cutting herself off in loneliness, even refusing to go to her daughter’s wedding, that she receives news of her daughter’s pregnancy which touches her. Her son is given a medal for his heroism in war while the son of her rival is killed in action, the two men having become friends. This also contributes to Mrs Hadley’s change and the transition to her involvement in the war effort. A message for American audiences.
The film was directed by Harold S. Buquet who directed eight of the Dr Kildare films and the Katharine Hepburn vehicles, Dragonseed and Without Love.
1. A wartime film? Starting with the bombing of Pearl Harbor? Released in 1942? The background of peace talks with the Japanese, the suddenness of the bombing? The consequences for America and the war?
2. MGM production values, cast, the Washington DC contemporary setting, the musical score?
3. The title, the focus on Mrs Hadley? Her self-regard, narcissistic? Her behaviour? In terms of the war, war effort, selfishness? The change? The message for Americans for the war effort?
4. December 7, 1941, her birthday, the pompous butler, the comedy of the singing telegram, the staff in the kitchen, the cook, the cake, the maid and nervousness, the arrival of the guests? The ritual, the meal, the discussion about the music? The radio, the news of the war, Stella wanting to ignore it, Elliot wanting to listen?
5. Mrs Hadley as grande dame, her age, style, manner? Elegant dress? Manners? The memories of her husband, the paper, newspaper animosities, support for the Republicans, antagonism towards Roosevelt? Her marrying her husband, her former attachment to Elliot? Cecilia as a longtime friend? Her reliance on Lionel as her doctor? Her attitude to her children? Her only seeing what she wanted to see? Touches of hypochondria? Nerves and all the contemporary events for medication?
6. The film’s reliance on audience response to the bombing of Pearl Harbor, the impact? Symbolised by the maid and her brother being at Pearl Harbor, dropping Mrs Hadley’s favourite cup?
7. Elliot, his friendship with Stella, employing Ted, covering for him, his job at the War Office, his competence? His supporting Patricia against her mother? Stella and her visiting his office, making demands about her son, Elliot not complying? Her cutting him off?
8. Patricia, life, work, the encounter with Michael, the troops’ club, friendship, the dates? Going to visit his mother, the meal? The engagement? The meal with two mothers and Stella being rude? Patricia and her decision to leave, her mother’s disbelief? Marrying Michael, the Catholic ceremony? Still refusing to go? Patricia following Michael to Arizona, his work as a pilot? Her pregnancy?
9. Teddy, spoilt, his drinking, not doing his work, his disreputable friends? Elliot covering for him? Enlisting him? Stella’s harsh reaction? Teddy and his passing the hotel and not drinking, going into the army, the training, his friendships, with Michael, with Tony Winters? The letters home? His heroism, the headlines, the delivery and message from the President?
10. Cecilia, her chatter, friendship with Stella, going to work for the war effort, the comedy of her being bandaged, her being caught with Laura Winters, still cutting her off?
11. Laura Winters, her husband, the antagonism with Stella and her husband? Stella seeing Cecilia with her? Ted’s medal, the letter, his praise of Tony Winters, are going to see Mrs Winters and reading the letter?
12. The doctor, Stella and her reliance on him and his pandering to her?
13. The butler, pompous, at home, enjoying the home guard, his uniform, mocked by Stella? His war effort? The cook, the maid?
14. The news of the pregnancy, Michael’s mother coming to visit, Stella’s reaction, not being informed? The delay in receiving the letter? Her change of
heart? Becoming a grandmother?
15. The change for Mrs Hadley, instead of seeing the war as affecting her, her contribution?