Spain, 2013, 107 minutes, Colour.
Javier Camara, Natalia de Sofia, Francisc Colomer, Jorge Sanz, Ariadna Gil.
Directed by David Trueba.
The title comes from John Lennon’s song, Strawberry Fields. And John Lennon is a significant presence in this film.
The time is 1966. The place is Almeria in southern Spain. It is a comparatively quiet summer, school is in and we meet Antonio, a teacher of English, using the lyrics of John Lennon’s songs, especially Help, for his students to learn and pronounce English. But, John Lennon himself is in Almeria for the filming of Richard Lester’s How I Won the War, one of Lennon’s few screen appearances. Antonio not has not only has a great desire to meet Lennon and talk with him about his lyrics, but he sets out on a special mission to meet him.
Antonio is played engagingly by Javier Camara, star of several of Pedro Almodovar’s films, a standout in his Talk to Her.
Living is Easy then becomes a road movie, significant for Antonio but also for two hitchhikers he encounters. We have seen one of them at a home for unmarried mothers, severe in treatment in taking the babies from their mothers when born, but touches of kindness for this girl, Belen. She decides to go to stay with her mother and so goes on the road, avoiding a man who shows suspicious attitudes towards her and driving off with the genial Antonio. He also sees a teenager on the side of the road. We have already seen him in the context of his family in Madrid, a kind mother with her many children, a severe father, a policeman. He has decided to run away.
With the sun shining brightly and with vistas of the sea, it is a cheerful journey. When Antonio books into a rather dingy motel, with a squat receptionist who speaks a dialect that nobody understands, he gets a room for Belen and persuades the friendly owner of the restaurant and bar, a refugee from Italy for the sun with Bruno, his son disabled with cerebral palsy, to employ the young boy part time.
By this time we are all eager ourselves to see John Lennon and to see whether Antonio can get on to the film set. There are various drawbacks and it would be a pity to spoil the plot outline by mentioning whether he sees Lennon or not. In the meantime, there are problems at the bar, some locals trashing it and bashing the young boy, as well is a sexual encounter, a ‘rites of passage’ kind of thing, between the boy and Belen.
Whatever has happened with John Lennon or not, Antonio has had a significant journey and has had a good influence on Belen and the boy whose father comes to take back home.
It is at this juncture that the lyrics of the song are spoken – a wry Lennon comment on what has happened.
This is a very pleasing film, with interesting characters, an interesting quest – and frequent touches of humour and good nature.
1. An enjoyable film? Living in Spain? 1966? Nostalgia?
2. The title, from John Lennon, from Strawberry Fields? The meaning of the title for each of the main characters? The end with the explicit lyrics?
3. Audience memories of John Lennon, of the Beatles? Of Lennon as a person, his lyrics, his books, the person of the 1960s, celebrity, the tours with the Beatles, his film career? Audience memories of his death? His influence?
4. The Franco era, already 30 years? 10 more years? Spain and its strictness, censorship? The military? The cult of Franco? The role of the church?
5. Antonio, his love of the Beatles, a good teacher, with the boys, getting them to speak out the lyrics, their meaning? The nuances? His use of this song, Help? I Wanna Hold Your Hand… Antonio and his quest, the trip, to talk with lemon? His picking up Juanja and Belen? The significance of the trip for them? Juanja and his not liking John Lennon, preferring the Rolling Stones, and Antonio ousting him and pretending a tantrum?
6. Juanja and his family, in Madrid, the kindly mother and her concern with her children? The father the policeman, stern? The young children? The gathering at the table, the meal? Juanja and his long hair, argument with his father? Typical teenager? His writing the letter about running away, his brothers finding it? His leaving home?
7. The number of slaps to the face and head in the early part of the film: the priest and the student at school, the supervisor in the home for pregnant girls, the father hitting his son, the little girl hitting the dog imitating her father?
8. Belen, her age, pregnant, out in the town, her cravings the sunflower seeds, the woman in charge and her getting rid of the mother at the gate, the woman and their taking her baby, her warning Belen? Belen deciding to leave, to visit her mother, running away?
9. Antonio, setting out on his trip, the car, filling up, giving a lift to Belen, rescuing her from the unwelcome attentions of the other driver, hurrying off? Giving Juanja a lift? The discussions? Talking, communicating, the beauty of the countryside, the sea? The region of Almeria?
10. Stopping at the village, the motel, the sleepy receptionist and his local accent and the comments? Juanja and his leaving? Antonio and Belen going to the cafe, the Italian proprietor and his story, his Spanish wife, the son, her going back to Italy? His son, Bruno, and his cerebral palsy? Antonio and his persuading the owner to take Juanja on for a job? The range of customers? Going to the motel, the rooms? Talking to the cafe owner of the possibilities for seeing John Lennon, accompanying the milk run, going to the gate…?
11. The trashing of the cafe, the bashing of Juanja? The challenge to them, and Antonio seeming to back down? Later and his driving away, seeing the man with his tomatoes, the confrontation, driving through the tomatoes and destroying them, his touch of vengeance?
12. The attempts to see John Lennon? Antonio and Belen going to the set, the argument at the gate, they’re not having authorisation, not getting in?
13. The decision to go to the theatre, going to see the old Spanish film about the priest, their hiding afterwards, the crew coming in to watch the rushes, Antonio sneaking in, his conversations, the friendly response, confident to go to the set the next day?
14. The visit to the set, the friendly English, Belen and her helping with the cutting of hair? Michael, his welcome to Antonio, taking him to the caravan, the glimpse of John Lennon? His visit, his happiness, the discussions, his manuscript with the gaps, the lyrics and filling the gaps, the translations of his songs? Lennon and his promise to come to the school? The recording of the song?
15. The background of John Lennon, filming in Spain, Richard Lester and How I Won the War?
16. The return to the hotel, the trashing and the bashing? Helping Juanja? His taking the poster of Claudia Cardinale and giving it is a gift to the owner of the cafe? Belen going to her room, the kiss good night from Antonio?
17. Belen and her return to Juanja’s room, their talk, the issue of sexuality, her pregnancy, the sharing their lives, her behaviour, the sexual behaviour, the effect on Juanja? The next morning and her disappearing?
18. Juanja and his father, his father’s arrival, critical, taking his son away, Antonio giving the gift of the tape recording, Juanja’s father and his criticism of contemporary music? Juanja’s future?
19. Antonio, his effect on Juanja and getting the job that experience? On Belen and urging her to have the child? His return to school at his home – and the joy of his experience?