Australia, 2014, 85 minutes, Colour.
Guy Pearce, Barry Humphries, Marta Düsseldorp, Aaron Pedersen, Roy Billing, Deborah Mailman, John Jarrett, Vince Colosimo, Kat Stewart, Shane Jacobson, John Flaus, Damian Harvey, Terry Norris, Ron Falk, Tina Bursill.
Directed by Jeffrey Walker.
Peter Temple is one of Australia’s leading crime writers. One his best novels, The Broken Shore, was filmed by ABC television with great success. The ABC also participated in the production of three television movies based on Temple’s series with former lawyer, Jack Irish. The first two were screened in 2012, Black Tide, Bad Debts. This third in the series, Dead Point, screened in 2014. The three films were directed by Jeffrey Walker.
Guy Pearce is exactly right for Jack Irish. Peter Temple said that he had not imagined Jack Irish like Guy Pearce but on seeing the films, he was fully persuaded. Pearce brings Irish fully to life, his grief at the murder of his wife, his giving up the law, his becoming involved in investigations, sometimes seedy look, semi-shaven, old clothes. However, he has a sharp mind and is able to solve crimes and mysteries.
The films also boast strong casts, some of Australia’s best actors in each of the films. Martha Dusseldorp (star of the Black Jack series with Colin Friels, star of Janet King) is an on-and-of love, an ambitious journalist, with a talkback radio program. She is smart and discovers the key clue to the resolution of the mystery.
In each of the films Jack Irish pals up with two friends involved in the racing business. They are played genially by Roy Billing and in a tough manner by Aaron Peterson. This time their racing interests connect with an aboriginal councillor played by Deborah Mailman.
However, the main focus is on the stevedoring industry and the Melbourne docks, the ruthless bosses, drug smuggling and murder. Vince Colosimo is convincing as the thuggish boss. Kat Stewart is his wife who runs an exclusive, if decadent club, for politicians and highflyers in Melbourne society.
The surprise of the film is the presence of Barry Humphries as a judge who has made a judicial investigation into the waterfront and is about to present his report. However, he has tangled with a young man who has incriminating photographs in a book which has disappeared – and could be an instrument for blackmail, not only of the judge, but of another politician also involved in the investigation (Kate Beahan).
Barry Humphries, almost 80, gives a performance that is the exact opposite of Dame Edna Everage or Sir Les Patterson, more like his off-screen, radio persona, quietly spoken, cultured. It gives a great strength to the film.
1. The novels of Peter Temple? The Victorian settings, Melbourne, the police, the world of crime, politics, corruption?
2. The film versions of temples novels? Guy Pearce as Jack Irish? Age, character, past experience, marriage, the murder of his wife, his grief and having nightmares? His relationships? Friends? The racing friends, his family, the investigators, the police, the chorus at the pub?
3. The title, the ending, the climax, on the Victorian coast?
4. The use of Melbourne, the detail of the streets, the overviews, Fitzroy, Irish’s home, the local pub, the secret club, the church, the Melbourne docks? The musical score?
5. Guy Pearce and his screen presence, Irish’s personality, the law, going out of the law, his range of contacts, discussions with Barry and information, Harry and Cam, the racing sequences, and Cam handy with protection and fists?
6. The Melbourne docks, the police corruption, the car with the drugs, the stealing of the drugs, the death and its being faked, the documentation? The motivation?
7. The opening, Sienna, her relationship with Rob, his being absent, her looking at his book, the photos? Her work at the club, the meetings with Jack, the information, the cameras photographing it? Meeting Jack at the pub? Future information, her death? her body in the boot of Jack’s car, his being framed?
8. Linda, the past relationship with Jack, her work on the radio, talkback, the politician and the judicial enquiry, the questions and her walking out? Jack and his funny voices, her knowing that it was Jack? Her relationship with Jack, resuming? Wanting a scoop? Living with Jack, the sexual relationship? Her knowing the past? Her watching the video, recognising the lighthouse? Present at the end, phoning Jack, the judge coming to present the report?
9. The chorus of the pub mates, in each of the films, their comments, the football, at the match, barracking, the post-mortem? Stan, his wanting to go upmarket with his menus and his machines?
10. Harry and Cam, the visit, the proposition, going to see Cynthia, the aboriginal background, her house, the kids, the mess? Her good tip? Going to the racecourse? The people delivering the cash after the win? Harry and Cam watching on television? The attack on the tunnel, her being robbed, injured? Artie and Lizard, being identified? Marie, taking the drugs, her telling the truth? Jack and Cam visiting Artie, pouring the stuff on him in the car, Lizard telling the truth and giving back the money? The visit to Cynthia in hospital, her getting back home?
11. The judge, Jack’s father-in-law? His grief at his daughter’s death? Elle, the baby, the invitation to Jack to come to the christening, giving her the name, Isabelle? Jack meeting the judge in the church, the discussions, the judge explaining his indiscretion, his urges and giving in? His needing the book? His relationship with Robbie, giving him the camera? The enquiry, the fears the his family, their being hurt by the revelations, becoming desperate? At the christening, at home alone, the phone call to Jack, depending on him? His decision – and his coming in to give the report?
12. Barry, a slob, enjoying eating, at the pub, giving Jack the information, searching it out? the corrupt policeman? Jack giving the information? Jack in jail after the framing, the contacts, getting free? The arrest of the corrupt policeman?
13. The club, the clients, affluent, decadent, Ros and her running the club, Sienna as one of the girls, Ros offering to help?
14. Mike, at the wharves, the talk with Jack, the threat of the container falling?
15. Jack, going to the lighthouse, phoning Susan and Rob, her behaviour in the video, her resignation from the enquiry, the truth, falling in love? The helicopter, Mike and Ros, the shooting Susan and Robbie? Jack being shot, getting the car, getting the book, crashing into the helicopter?
16. The resolution? The enquiry? The background of enquiries into docks and unions and management, drugs and corruption?
17. A well-made television movie, interesting and entertaining? Australian?