US, 2007, 85 minutes, Colour.
Lea Thompson, Joe Penny, William R.Moses, Clement von Franckenstein.
Directed by Armand Mastroianni.
The Jane Doe the series was very popular on television. Lea Thompson is an agreeable and active heroine, combining the skills of solving puzzles for a security organisation with action on the job, and maintaining a family, her husband and two children. By this time in the series, her husband knows what she does and is supportive of her. Joe Penny continues as agent Frank Darnell.
This time the puzzle is the disappearance of a British expert, with a mnemonic skill, memorising the names and details about foreign agents. He is abducted at the airport and the video material of the abduction is examined, revealing further clues. It seems to be a ransom attempt, with some deaths along the way.
However, the mysteries solved in an unexpected way. Much of this is due to the help of Cathy’s mother, Polly (Donna Mills enjoying herself) who is also a secret agent.
Several of the films were directed by the director of this one, Armand Mastroianni.
1. The popularity of the Jane Doe series? This film and its place in the series? The establishing of Jane’s character? Her being called on? Frank Darnell and his character and position? Cathy’s husband and his knowing what his wife was involved in, supporting her? The role of her mother?
2. The title, the professor and his mnemonic skills, Downing Street and its concern about his disappearance, the ransom? His knowing the names and identities of the many agents? The threat to security? The reliance on the human rather than on the computer and files?
3. The city, the Davis home, the children and their activities, the contrast with the security office, on the job, airports, wharves, action sequences, the city surroundings, homes, garages? Trailer and explosion? Sense of realism? Musical score?
4. The setup, the agent meeting the British, the professor, the interruption, the mace in the agent’s eyes, the escape of the professor, the video footage, his seeming disappearance, the close-up of the gun, the woman and her angle of walking, the gun? The worker and his photographing everything on his phone, Cathy seeking him out, his cooperation, the faces of the criminals?
5. Polly, her arrival, her background, suspicions about Cathy going out? Her own background? Following, looking at the video footage, meeting Simon and the memories of their connection 30 years earlier?
6. The identification of Ursula? The disguise? Phone calls? The ransom? With the case-snatcher, sending him to kill the driver, the drivers interview with Jane Doe? Her collusion with Ian? The plan for getting the money?
7. Cathy and Polly realising that Ian was part of the plot, hurrying to the trailer site where he had led them, the explosion?
8. The showdown at the airstrip, Cathy with the money, Ursula coming to get it, Polly shooting the gun out of her hand, Frank and reinforcements arriving? Cathy and her plea to Ian, talking about all the children whose lives would be destroyed? His giving in? His motivation for his treachery? Not being needed any more, outmoded?
9. Happy ending, Cathy and the family, Polly going with Simon?