UK, 2013, 98 minutes, Colour.
Nick Frost, Chris O’ Dowd, Rashida Jones, Ian Mc Shane, Olivia Colman, Rory Kinnear, Alexandra Roach.
Directed by James Griffiths.
No, this is not a drama of the 1950s revolution led by Fidel Castro. No, this is not an action film about protesters, exiled from Cuba, angry in Miami. In fact, it is about salsa.
This is also a story with the moral of not worrying about one’s weight and appearance, that many things are possible, including winning salsa competitions. The man with the weight is Nick Frost, co—writer and co-star Simon Pegg of Shaun of the Dead, Hot Fuzz, Paul, The World’s End. So, he has a strong reputation for comedy – and this is his film, the idea, writing, starring, dancing.
‘Fury’ is probably far too strong a word for the title. Bruce, Frost’s character, does have a lot to complain about. But not ‘fury’. As a boy, he won many salsa competitions, pairing with his sister, Sam. On the verge of a big win, he was chased by a group of bullies and became so down that he opted out of dancing altogether, much to the anger of his trainer, played by Ian Mc Shane.
Now that he is an adult and weighing more than he should, he is the butt of jokes, especially the nasty teasing and sexual innuendo from his co-worker, Drew, (Chris O’ Dowd). When the new boss, Julia (Rashida Jones) comes from the United States, he is partly smitten, but when she crashes into him as he is riding his bike, he is completely smitten. Then he discovers she does salsa, and he starts to move back towards the dance floor, encouraged by his sister.
Of course, this is quite predictable film, but that is why people enjoy it. The put-upon Bruce tries to stand up for himself, gradually doing it more and more, pushed by his old teacher, exasperated by his experiences with Drew who even mocks him for making a cassette for Julia’s car and then passing it off as his own work for her.
Frost doesn’t always look gainly on the dance floor, but he has what his trainer calls corazon, heart. This keeps him going despite some humiliations and Drew and others even mocking the idea that he could dance, let alone salsa. However, at the lessons, he encounters a fellow-dancer, Bejan, from the Middle East, who is quite camp in dress, manner, an irritant for Bruce until he gradually gets to know and like him – and we get to know and like and are highly amused by.
As the film moves towards its climax, Bruce and his sister partner for a competition. But then Julia turns up and she happily dances with him.
Probably best to say that the film is rather slight, but often comedies that are light and slight are entertaining, as is this one, and, of course, the moral to be self-confident and not be put off by those who think they are smart, but are actually making fools of themselves all the time. We are on Bruce’s side.
1. The title? Not about Cuba, but salsa? Audience attitudes towards salsa, for and against?
2. The London settings, flats, workplaces, restaurants, clubs?
3. The musical score, the Latin American music, songs, salsa?
4. Chris’s story, Nick Frost and his screen presence, telling the initial story, Bruce at a young age, with his sister, the dancing, the competitions, their skills, the awards? His being chased by the boys, bullied? The sequins torn from his costume? His change, opting out? Ron and his annoyance with Bruce for not continuing? His sister continually encouraging him?
5. His story as an adult, putting on the weight, living alone, eccentric manner, awkward, yet good at his work, design, fine presentations at work? His love of eating? His friends at the golf club, their going through the week and examining their sexual prowess – and lack of it – the comparisons? Riding his bike, vetoed from getting into the building? The tangle with Drew, his continued mockery, sexual innuendo? First impressions of Julia, her talk, the party, getting tangled with her, the mistake and her being called Julio, her driving into him on the bike, the talk? Going to the club, seeing that she did salsa? In the car, the tangled tape, his making the new one, slipping it into her bag, Drew taking it out, giving it to Julia as if it was his own? His skill at golf, with his friends, as release for his anger and energy?
6. Ron, his past, his age, owning the club, employment of tutors for salsa? His attitude towards groups? Allowing Bruce in? Bejan his presence? Bruce and the board games, the challenges, Ron urging him on? Watching behind the scenes? At the end?
7. Julia, coming from America for the job, talking to the group? Bruce seeing her dancing salsa? The accidents, tangling the nametags, driving into Bruce? His getting a life? The broken tape? Drew and his flirting, his not telling the others to come to her flat? Alone with Drew, Bruce misjudging? Her forcing Drew to dress, ousting him? Going to the club?
8. Bejan, his character, and style, humorous lines, situations? Gary finding him with Bruce?
9. Sam, the bar, her dress, encouraging her brother, partnering him? Knowing when Bruce was upset his going to the golf course? Taking him to the competition?
10. Bruce and Drew, parking area, the salsa duel?
11. Bruce competing in the heats, enjoying himself, Gary and the friends watching, his success?
12. Julia, arriving, joining in the dance, happy, coming second?
13. The tale urging strong self-image self-confidence? Liking what we do?