Australia, 1993, 90 minutes, Colour.
John Moore, David Ngoombujarra, Jaylene Riley, Lisa Kinchella, John Hargreaves, Jack Charles.
Directed by James Ricketson.
Those who don’t “fit in” to expected niches are considered odd, even unwelcome, by “ordinary people”. This is one of the themes of Blackfellas.
Blackfellas can be recommended; perhaps it ought to be seen by the wide Australian audience. It is not comfortable viewing, but it offers a story that is involving and the story offers a message without preaching, a story of urban aborigines.
David Ngoombujarra won the Best Supporting Actor award at the Australian Film Institute awards of 1993. His role is Pretty Boy, trapped in the hassles of life in Perth, thief and potential football champion. John Moore, who appeared in Deadly, was nominated for Best Actor as Doug, a young man battling and increasingly finding that he is also trapped.
Director James Ricketson adapted the novel Day of the Dog, with its author, Archie Weller, to ensure that it spoke to aborigines and not just about them. The picture is realistic, unflattering at times, but has strong feeling. The audience is caught up in the desperate hopes that all will go well when it is obvious that they cannot.
Doug tries to understand his heritage, mixed race, tries to break free and go to the land to train horses but is prevented by family bonds and friendships.
This being trapped is reinforced by John Hargreaves’ smiling sinister policeman – a stereotype, perhaps, but chillingly alarming – courts, police brutality, prisons.
Audiences could benefit by seeing this compellingly challenging story of realities which most tend to bypass or ignore.
1. The popularity of the novel? The author’s perspective, the writing and collaborating with the director?
2. The two titles, given emphases?
3. Australia, the 1980s and nineties, the country towns, the aboriginal communities, the interactions, deals and thefts, football teams, the prejudice of the
police, life in prison?
4. The director, the small budget, his interest in issue films?
5. The thugs and Doug, leaving prison, his reacting to the bad treatment of prisoners, getting out, Pretty Boy and the car, Doug and his suspicions, thinking it stolen, getting in? Doug and his moods and changes of moods? Going to the pub, drinking, wanting the shandy, Pretty Boy changing the drinks, the effect? Holly and the attraction? Yet her going with other men? Going home, his mother, his mixed race background? His mother marrying his father, the father leaving, drinking, going to jail? The buying of the land and relinquishing it? His mother urging him to get a job, as a mechanic, his not wanting to do that work? His love for horses, given employment by Foley, his good work? Going to the property, the feel of the land, his belonging? Wanting to buy it back? His attempts to avoid prison, but giving in to the stolen car, running from the police? His anger and the knife with Silver? His relationship with Polly? The police, passions, interrogations, holly and the jewellery, her arrest, Maxwell and his disdain? Life and the farm, his work with the horses, Polly not wanting to go to the country? In court, Foley giving testimony in favour of Doug? Pretty Boy and the football, Doug urging him to play, the failure, their happiness and friendship, Pretty Boy not visiting prison, causing the trouble that led to Doug’s going to prison, Doug and his future, going to visit Polly prison, her getting out, meeting her again, but a possible future?
6. Pretty Boy, his life, the work, friends, the fight and the knife and Doug going to jail? Meeting Doug at the prison, but not visiting him? The car, jovial, Valerie and the relationship, her pregnancy, his pride, yet his violence towards her? The shandy and getting Doug drunk? The bar, playing pool? The thefts, the cash, the deals with Silver? Wanting to borrow money from Doug? The football, his skills, the lack of discipline, the argument with the coach, his being fired? His violent reaction? The stealing of the car, with Silver, the final fights, Doug’s friendship, Pretty Boy’s choices?
7. The other members of the group, their friendship, life in the town, drinking, pool, supporting each other?
8. Doug’s mother, her background, love for her husband, his leaving, her hard work, wanting Doug to get the job? Yet her love for him?
9. Valerie, with the group, Pretty Boy, the violence, her pregnancy?
10. Polly, young, her life and the town, sexual relationships, attracted to Doug, not wanting to go to the farm, arrested because of the stolen jewellery, in prison, getting out?
11. The importance of football and the town, the team, the sport, Pretty Boy and his being unreliable?
12. Maxwell, the police, harsh and racist attitudes, exercise of power, violence, mean-minded?
13. A glimpse of life in a country Australian town?