US, 1999, 105 minutes, Colour.
Sarah Poly, Stephen Rea, Jean Smart, Gina Gershon, Paul Dooley, Sandra Oh.
Directed by Audrey Wells.
Guinevere conjures up Camelot imagery, the relationship between Arthur and Guinevere and the breakdown of their relationship. In this interesting psychological drama of relationships and influence by writer-director, Audrey Wells, the older artist, Connie, played by Stephen Rea, names his young female protégés, Guinevere. He is quietly seductive in his manner, charming them to come to him, to agree to give five years of their lives to develop their particular art and devote themselves to a program of reading.
However, rather than being an Arthur, he is more of a Professor Higgins, drawing on the Pygmalion myth and the shaping of his young protégés.
Stephen Rea seems an unusual choice of casting for this role, a good actor, but always with a touch of the lugubrious. Sarah Polley, who had been acting since her childhood, shows the qualities of performance that will be seen in her later films. She also has a significant career as a director.
Jean Smart has quite a striking role as the young girl’s mother, a brittle lawyer, disdainfuhl of her husband, suspicious of Connie, and coming to confront him in his studio, a memorable and dramatic scene where she challenges is adequacy and his ability to relate only to younger women, also allowing herself a seductive attitude towards him.
The film has touches of fantasy, especially in the ending when a more mature young woman meets the other Guinevere’s and she responds to Connie’s request to guide him through the meaning of his life.
1. The title? Guinevere and Arthur? Possibilities of Camelot? Ideals? Reality?
2. The Pygmalion story, Connie and his trying to shape the girls into his ideal?
3. San Francisco, Los Angeles, the world of art? The limbs and blue and whites of the credits? Wealthy society, bohemian society? The score?
4. Harper’s story, the screen presence of Sarah Polley? The opening, at the wedding, drinking, doing jobs for her mother, not wanting to be photographed? The encounter with Connie, their talk, her self-image, not wanting any photos, his edging her out of the group photo?
5. Harper’s prospects, meals at home, the law talk, her fiddling with her bread? The brittle family manner? her friendship with Pat? Going to Connie, collecting the photos, meeting the former Guinevere? Looking at the photos, the special photo of her and its effect?
6. Connie as a person, his age, photographing weddings, his artwork, his book? bohemian lifestyle? Attracted to younger women, the sexual attraction, his own inadequacy with women with his own age? Harper’s mother and her visit, being provocative, seductive, her offering her theory, the challenge to Connie, his inadequacy? The age difference between him and her daughter? His hopes for the girls, his program of art and reading, dedication of five years? Sexuality and companionship? The other women and the effect? Meeting with his friends, discussions, ideas? His former dealer in Los Angeles? His not managing well, change of moods, but always coming back? Going to Los Angeles, the incident with his teeth, pawning his cameras, the dentist? His sense of failure, giving the cash to Harper and sending her away? The passing of four years, April as his Guinevere? His listening into the meeting of the women, their gift of the photo of themselves as group? His asking Harper for an image to die for? Her taking him through the light and corridor, each of the women in the windows, the particular gesture of relationship? Recapitulation of his life? Into the brightness and death?
7. Harper as a person, her age, turning 21, the joy of her party, fascinated by Connie, his calling her Guinevere, sharing with him? Moments of awkwardness, the decision to stay, the continued challenge to her, willing to give five years of her life? Harper with her family, the awkward meal with the
crackers and her mother adding ‘in bed’ to each of the sayings and her being crass?
8. Her parents, brittle, at the wedding, her brother-in-law? At the table, her mother’s visit to Connie? Connie’s outburst accusing her of being the same as her mother?
9. Billy, talking in sharing, her history, Harper confiding in her?
10. Four years later, Harper and her accomplishments with photography? Meeting Linda, Cindy, Billy, April, the discussion with April and Connie wanting Harper to support her? Jessica missing?
11. The theme of the old and young and their relationships? reality? Influence and influencing and shaping another? Allowing the other freedom? And a story of growing up into adult hood? The theme of admiration and awe?