UK, 2011, 70 minutes, Colour.
Ruth Negga, Lesley Sharp, Charlie Creed- Miles, Henry Lloyd- Hughes.
Directed by Colin Neague.
Shirley is a brief telemovie, sketching the initial career of famed singer, Dame Shirley Bassey. With its brevity, it tends to sketch the outline of the career as well as the character and those to whom she relates.
Shirley Bassey was born in Wales of mixed race, her mother being English. Her father is sentenced to jail for sexual offences and her mother has to bring up her seven children in dire circumstances. Shirley wants to be a singer from a very young age and was always encouraged by her mother. She auditioned and was taken up by entrepreneur Mike Sullivan. There was a complication in so far as she had a child and was unmarried and this was kept secret while her sister and mother brought up the child. Eventually this became public through the media.
After making hard choices, Shirley goes to Mike Sullivan and he trains her not only in singing but in her manner and taste – with the result that she became rather snobbish in her attitudes and dealing with people as well is in her accent. In fact, she became rather unpleasant in many ways, eagerly assuming the life of a star.
The further complication in her life was her relationship with Kevin Hume, a director, who took over her career but was not successful in promoting her. Then she discovered that he was homosexual. She had another child, was open with the press, separated from her husband and for several decades maintained a high-profile career as a singer.
She is played by Ruth Negga and Mike Sullivan is played by Charlie Creed- Miles.
1. A brief biography of a celebrated star? The outline of her life? The indication of her talent? Her struggles? Her performances? Her private life, her family, her mother, her child, her manager, her husband?
2. Sufficient time to portray Shirley Bassey and give insight into her character and life?
3. Wales, the 1930s and 40s, Glasgow and its theatre, London and performing venues, Australia?
4. The songs included in the film, especially Stormy Weather? Songs included, songs omitted?
5. The indication of life in Wales in the 1930s, Eliza, her husband going to jail, sexual offences, the children and mother moving, managing, the new man in the family’s life and Shirley accepting him as her father? Her singing in the pub and getting two shillings? Her mother borrowing from her? The indication of lifestyle during the war years?
6. Shirley wanting to be a singer, her mother always encouraging her? The framework of the film with Shirley dressed for performance and her mother with her?
7. The decision to go for an audition, unlikely appearance, Mike Sullivan and his reaction, listening to her, taking her on? Shirley’s apprehensions yet ambition? Her pregnancy, the birth of the child, the decisions about the child, not making it known, Iris looking after her, her mother supporting her, her going to see Sullivan?
8. The training, singing, poise, audience rapport, his teaching her to be a lady, cutlery and manners? Her liking this kind of life, seeing herself as a star?
9. Her career, impressing the crowds in Glasgow, the good reviews, singing in London, Jack Hilton coming to hear her, the various performances, visiting Australia?
10. The public life, the revelation about her daughter? The audience seeing her with phone calls and meeting her daughter?
11. Her meeting Kevin Hume, his background, attentive to her, her believing him, pitting him against Mike Sullivan? The marriage? His not furthering her career, her discovering him with another man? Her decision to save the marriage, the press conference, her baby? Her sending him away?
12. Unlikely beginnings, talent and breaks, the change in personality, her taking stock of herself, her further career and success?