US, 1979, 100 minutes, Colour.
Dennis Weaver, Robert Culp, Diana Muldaur, Larry Hagman, Sharon Acker.
Directed by Bob Kelljan.
A Cry For Justice is a telemovie well above average. While it covers material in so many police series, it has a very serious tone about the administration of justice, police work, cover-ups, personal ambitions, personal integrity. The film was directed by Bob Ke11jan, noted for his two Count Yorga horror films in the '70s. There is a very strong cast and an excellent performance by Dennis Weaver in the central role of the policeman with integrity. Weaver is always a likable and reliable actor - and this film indicates why. Diana Muldaur has quite a good supporting role as his wife. However, there is an excellent performance by Robert Culp as the ambitious hustling policeman who wants to be always right. It is an excellent counterpoint to Weaver's performance. There are many guest roles, especially one from Larry Hagman as a shady Defence Attorney. The atmosphere of California is well captured and the film is excellently paced and has good serious themes well worth reflecting on.
1. The significance and tone of the title? The focus on police, their work, personalities? The similarity to the material of television series? Police work in its detail, integrity? Systems? The administration of law? The interrelationship of law and justice? The American tone of the film - and the need for personal integrity and honesty?
2. The effectiveness of the film as a telemovie, for home audience and concentration? The colour photography, the editing and the pacing, especially in the opening sequences and segments? The camera on the move, the screenplay and characters on the move? The slowing down for concentration and the detective work and administration of justice? The atmosphere of California: streets, police officers, courts, homes?
3. How strong was the screenplay: the reliance on particular incidents in the opening, dates and places? The focus on the Conrad situation? The transition to Price and his prestige? The solving of the Conrad case and the passing of time? The 18 months difference and the robbery? The re-opening of the investigation, Bentley emerging as the central character, his pursuit of justice and the solution? Audience interest, involvement, reflection? Emotional response to the situation, to Price's attitude, to Bentley's?
4. The build-up of the Conrad situation: the robbers in their car and the drinking, Conrad's coming to them, his suspicions, the shooting? The policeman and his bike and the skid (with the consequences of suspicion of him and his being relegated to Archives?), the pace of the hospital sequences, Conrad's wife and her hysterics (and the irony of the later divorce), Conrad being pressurised by Price to see the films of the criminals in the Colorado prison, the hypnosis sequence with the anxiety of the wife and the disgust of Dr. Burke, Conrad being brought to the line-up and his quick identification of the criminals? His being crippled, still working as a policeman, his wife's divorce? The sequence where he recognised the photos of the true criminals? How well presented was this segment? The portrait of the rookie policeman, his tragedy, the consequences? The need for the record to be set right?
5. The transition to Price - his work with Bentley, the chase amongst the purp1e Christmas trees? The media and his presenting himself modestly but arrogantly? His heavy approach towards Conrad, the film and the interview with the California police, hustling Conrad to the films, pushing the hypnosis and having Bentley there (and Bentley trying to protest, Dr. Burke resenting?), his relentlessness in nailing the criminals? The build-up of his reputation and the joke about 'the Price is right'? The irony of the sequence with his wife and her drinking and their not being able to go out with the Bentleys? His asking Bentley for privacy? The quick talker? The possibility of his being wrong in the Conrad case? His using his quick talking techniques to try to dissuade Bentley, making phone calls over Bentley's head, the interrogation in the prison? His trying to argue Bentley out of the situation in the motel? Shepherd's not having him in for the confession? The irony of the credit and his eagerness to take it? Bentley's suspicions of his own motives towards Price, his ultimate despising him? An accurate portrait of this kind of arrogant man?
6. The contrast with Bentley, the second in the partnership, his assisting Price, the Christmas tree arrest, the presence at the interviews with the police about Conrad, the films, his wariness about the hypnosis, his reaction in discussing it with Jessie? The visit to the Prices and the embarrassment about the alcoholic wife? The contrast with the home sequences with Jessie, his discussing his work with her and his worry about Conrad? His daughter and her birthday? The opportunity for investigating a case and his decision to pursue the Conrad case? The phone calls to the wife of the criminal, the interview at Amoco Oil? His building up the evidence, finding the parking ticket? The interviews with the prisoners and his hostility, his reaction at Price's manner? The visit to the District Attorney and his threats? Rushing in to the judge and his being ticked off but the judge listening to him? The contact with Shepherd, the friendliness between the two men, Shepherd's help? The taping of the confession? The shock of the heavy sentence? The praise for them as a group and its mainly going to Price? His shock and disgust? His continually examining his motives? His explaining to Shepherd his background, ambitions to be a policeman, his seeming to be square, his sense of right and wrong? The American hero with the sense of integrity? His wife affirming that this was what people saw and admired him for?
7. The character of Shepherd - the flamboyant prosecutor-turned-Defence Attorney, wealth, drinking, yacht, meals? His listening to Bentley, his interest in him, his dealing with his clients, his turning Price away, the taping of the confession and his handling of the situation, his praise of Bentley? An interesting guest appearance?
8. Bentley's skill as a detective, his investigation, the phone calls, the building up of the evidence, especially with the traffic ticket?
9. The portrait of the criminals - their drinking and waiting, the shooting of Conrad, their defying Bentley, their willingness to do the deals, the telling of the story? The justice of the heavy sentence?
10. The police chiefs and their attitudes towards the Conrad case, the District Attorney and his arrogance, the judge as a heavy-sent6ncing judge - his reaction against Bentley, finally. agreeing with him?
11. The final freeze frame with Price and Bentley and the audience making their judgment?
12. An interesting view of police work, the administration of law, the need for a sense of justice? The system? Individual policemen and their contribution? The consequences of mistakes? The need to rectify and justice to be seen?