UK, 1958, 99 minutes, Colour.
Leslie Caron, Dirk Bogarde, John Robinson, Robert Morley, Alastair Sim, Felix Aylmer.
Directed by Anthony Asquith.
The Doctors Dilemma Is a version of a play of 1907 by George Bernard Shaw. It has been directed by Anthony Asquith who directed the 1938 version of Pygmalion for which Shaw won an Academy award for screenplay. Other plays brought to the screen include Major Barbara, 1941, and Otto Preminger’s version of St Joan in 1957.
The film relies very much on the staging of the play. Most of the scenes are played in fixed sets, Sir Colenso’s room, the restaurant, Louis’s room. The film is also very reliant on Shaw’s words, a very wordy film.
The performances are very interesting, especially those of the doctors, who are played by John Robinson who is really the central character of the film, as well as veterans Robert Morley, Alastair Sim, Felix Aylmer. The artist is played in a familiar way by Dirk Bogarde. Leslie Caron plays his wife, perhaps to studiously dramatic at times.
The film looks the part, bright colour photography, re-creation of the period, a very British production in tone, manners and accents. The question is whether the critique is as relevant today – if not for doctors, for other professionals.
1. The work of George Bernard Shaw? Play from the early 20th century? 1903 setting, 1907 performance? Shaw’s view on institutions, professionals, arrogance?
2. The film as a filmed play, the adaptation for the screen, the staging and most of the action on sets, long speeches? Some opening out, Sir Patrick walking along the street…, the restaurant?
3. Costumes, decor, sets, bright colour? Re-creation of the period? Very British in tone and style? The musical score?
4. The title and its focus on the doctors, their moral stances, the criteria for their choices?
5. Introduction, Sir Patrick walking along the street, his voice-over and reflections, his criticisms of the doctors, the maids polishing their nameplates?
6. Sir Colenso Ridgeon and his new knighthood? His reputation, his manner, his house, the housekeeper, discussions with her? the arrival of Sir Patrick and his concern about his health? the other doctors and their congratulations, BB, Walpole, their arrival, discussions, promotion of their particular stances for medicine? The refusal to see Ginevra?
7. The doctors and their different approaches, the critique of each other, the poisoning of the blood, the cutting out of organs, the value of anti-toxins? Critique, the arrogance, their speeches, their personalities, their arguments?
8. Ginevra and Louis, his painting, her posing, his demands? Their talk, his illness, her concern, the background of this story, meeting in Brittany, the love? Her going to the doctor?
9. Colenso and his being charmed by Ginevra? His resistance, too busy, looking at the paintings, wanting to buy them, his decision to treat Louis? The visit of Dr Blenkinsop, his story, being busy, meeting the other doctors, his own illness?
10. The invitation to the dinner, Ginevra and her charm, Louis and his talk at the table, his genius, yet his borrowing the money, even the small amount from Dr Blenkinsop (and later repenting and borrowing so that Blenkinsop could be repaid)?
11. The meeting of the doctors after the meal, the discussions, the revelation of the first wife, learning of the borrowings, their forming a bad opinion of Louis? Walpole taking Blenkinsop home?
12. The doctors’ visit to the house, the discussions, Louis and his philosophy of life, disdain of money yet spending it and borrowing it, his seeming lack of conscience, exploiting people, the issue of his first wife, his explanation of their short marriage, spending all the money, and have been better off in going back to her work? His meeting with Ginevra, not telling her the truth, marrying her? The doctors’ reaction to lack of propriety, bigamy? The shock, their standards? Louis and his challenging them in their values? Hypocrisies and double standards? His doing the sketch? Willing to sell it?
13. Colenso and his decision to treat Blenkinsop? A good man? Doing good work? Needing to be saved, compared with a great artist, doctors being replaceable?
14. BB and his care, the arguments, his treatment, Walpole’s reaction?
15. Louis at home, being brought in after listening to their discussions, knowing that he was dying, his comments on their behaviour, on their methods? His wanting Ginevra to marry again and be happy? Ginevra coming in, her sadness, Louis leaning on her, his death?
16. Ginevra’s long and emotional speech about Louis, her seeing only his good and refusing to believe otherwise?
17. The exhibition, everybody visiting, Colenso and is looking at the paintings, seeing Ginevra in the bright dress, her refusal to sell him the painting, a rejection of him, blame? Her new husband?
18. Shaw using drama for his critique of doctors, their practice, the pretensions of their reputations, the dangers of their remedies and inventions? How relevant the Shavian critique?