US, 1998, 117 minutes, Colour.
Renee Zellweger, Christopher Eccleston, Julianna Margulies, Allen Payne, Glenn Fitzgerald, Kim Hunter, John Randolph, Kathleen Chalfant, Edie Falco, Phyllis Newman.
Directed by Boaz Yakin.
is set in the New York Jewish community and in the jewellery market. It opens in Europe, with a mysterious bond between a young girl and a boy who accidentally dies. He remains with her in spirit when she grows up and finds herself trapped in the expectations and regulations of the Jewish traditions.
She breaks free but at some cost to her marriage, her reputation and her future. But her defiance is also a critique of the suppressing of women in all societies. Renee Zellweger (so mousy opposite Tom Cruise in Jerry Maguire) shows herself to be a strong actress and keeps us interested in her even while we disapprove of what she is doing (although not why she is doing it).
1. A Jewish story? Orthodox Jews? The United States, New York?
2. The prologue, Yossi and his telling the story, Sonia listening? His fervour? Her critical attitude? The quotations from the Torah and respect for the Torah? The visuals of his pessimistic story? The bond between Yossi and Sonia? His going for the swim, his death, his reappearing, the bond between the two in Sonia’s life?
3. Yossi always present, giving advice, guidance? The beggar woman in the street, her seeing Yossi? Her following Sonia or Sonia following her? In Sonia’s imagination, conscience? The comments on God, having God onside, yet God being a bully?
4. The New York settings, the neighbourhood, the atmosphere of the Orthodox, an enclosed community? Streets, homes, studies, the school, the synagogue, the ceremonies, circumcision, funerals? The importance of Torah, the men, the separation of the women?
5. Sonia’s story, her journey, a Jewish journey, a religious journey, a woman’s journey, the nature of freedom?
6. The birth of the child? Her dreaming, calling out Yossi? The baby being called after the rebbe? Sonia wary of the circumcision, the name, her reaction, Mendel and his fainting?
7. The portrait of the family: Sender, the oldest, relationship with his wife, children, head of the family, at the table, his story about morals and amorality, his later comments on his father and his father’s advice? An amoral man? Rachel, her family, her support of Sonia? Yet Sender and Rachel dominating Mendel? Dominating Sonia?
8. Sonia and Mendel, moving into the new apartment, the bossy lady with the curtain material? Rachel helping? The aftermath of the birth, the baby crying, Sonia weeping, under the covers, discovered by Sender? Her depression? Her relationship with Mendel, the nature of sexual relationships, his reserve, focus on God, the Torah, obeying the regulations? Not enough for Sonia? The visit to Rebbe Moishe, his sympathetic listening to Sonia? Her description of her body and soul, the hot soul, the wife present, the later comments from the wife at the funeral, thanking Sonia? Sonia visiting her at the end, the explanation, the rabbi and after twenty years his declaration of love to his wife, how much it meant to her? His final word? Her helping Sonia with the Orthodox men recover her property from Sender? The meals at home, Mendel not remembering her birthday, his later apology, the gift of the ruby? The desperation, going to the counsellor, his turning out to be a rabbi, his comments on prayer, on God, the last straw for Sonia?
9. Sender, his visit to Sonia, asking her for the appraisal of the jewel, the sexual encounter, his offer, the price, his control over Sonia? His quoting the Book of Proverbs, the woman who was worth more than rubies? His own apartment, his hold over Sonia, her final rebellion, their comments on freedom?
10. Sonia, her job, liking it, her gifts, her experience with her father, not being allowed to go into the business? The basement? Three days in the city, three days in the shop, the baby? Coming home late, Mendel and the microwave meal, the upset? Her visits to the various buyers, to Kapoor and Ramon? Her hold over Kapoor, his ignorance of jewels, his bad taste? Her getting the discount of eighty percent? Interest in Ramon, the variety of clients, the sexual advances of the men, her being persuasive? Success?
11. Her seeing the jewels, the special ring, the earrings with the woman in the park, following the leads in Chinatown, leading her back to Ramon? Her surprise at the discovery? Ramon’s mother, Puerto Rico, the couple posing for Ramon’s sculptures, his hobby, his art, his skills?
12. Sonia encouraging Ramon, Ramon wanting to hold on to his job? Taking the samples to the buyer, success, keeping the ring? Her being accused of having an affair with Ramon?
13. Rachel, her harsh attitudes, dominating, keeping the baby? Contacting Sonia’s mother, the mother not wanting her to come home because of chances for the other daughter’s marriage? Her being ousted from the basement?
14. With Ramon, the sexual encounter, his offer, taking the ring, Mendel coming to the shop, their frank talk, making peace with each other? His language, the gift of the ruby, allowing her access to the child? The final credits and the mounting of the ruby?
15. Mendel, his learning process, his narrowness, love for Torah, the role of the men studying, their camaraderie, support, Sonia shocking them by walking into their midst? Mendel with a certain independence and yet believing in God and Torah? Sonia, herself, her choices? Her final saying of ‘God bless you’ to Mendel?