UK, 1967,103 minutes, Colour.
Sidney Poitier, Susy Kendall, Judy Geeson, Christian Roberts, Lulu, Adrienne Posta, Ann Bell, Patricia Routledge.
Directed by James Clavell.
To Sir With Love was one of the most popular of Sidney Poitier's films and, no matter how many objections hardened realists make about its idealism, his performance is warm, endearing and communicates something uplifting. E. A. Braithwaite's story of a coloured teacher in a London Dock's school is a best-seller and shows a teacher grappling with the problems of education and solving them when he treats the children as potential adults, as human beings who respond to kindness, sympathy and real goals and values. The average teacher could not hope to emulate the success of Poitier's Mark Thackeray, but will get a big lift from watching this story and this performance.
Many young British stars had their first major role in this film - Judy Geeson, Suzy Kendall, Lulu and Christian Roberts. The film was directed by novelist-director James Clavell who also made the interesting film of the Thirty Years' War, The Last Valley.
1. "Blending idealism with realism" was Time Magazine's caption for its review of this film. How well does it sum up your impression of To Sir With Love?
2. What kind of a man was Mark Thackeray? Did you find him someone to admire, even imitate? What were his good qualities which stood out?
3. What kind of a school was North Quay? Did you get a better understanding of the school, the kids and their need for discipline in seeing their parents and the area (the opening bus-ride, the market, etc.)?
4. What impression did the staff make? Why was Weston so cynical - did he have reason to be?
5. What did you think of the early class-room scenes? Were they funny or did you feel sympathy for Thackeray or did you think it was fair enough for the class to enjoy themselves as long as they could?
6. What were the main problems in the classroom? loutishness, ignorance, race attitudes, poverty? What were the main problems of some of the boys and girls?
7. Why did Thackeray change his teaching approach? (Why was he disgusted with himself at losing his temper?)
8. Why did he succeed with his new methods? Was it merely because he treated them as adults? Comment on his bid for courtesy, "no one loves a slut for long", change his classes on marriage, cooking and survival. What effect did he have on the boys and girls amongst themselves?
9. Why did "Pom get a crush on Sir?
10. Why did Denim dislike him?
11. How did the Physical Education incident bring things to a head - and the consequence of Denim boxing with Sir?
12. Did you enjoy the sequence of the outing - the song and the stills? How did it communicate happiness and the widening of horizons of the mind?
13. How did Thackeray advise Mrs Dare?
14. Why was the funeral such a big issue? Why did the fact that they swallowed their fears and prejudice by coming show that Thackeray had succeeded?
15. Was the graduation dance too good to be true?
16. What was the point of Sir's dancing with Pam and then the presentation? Was this all too sentimental?
17. What made Sir change his mind to stay?
18. Real, achievable goodness is presented in the film. Do you think the effect of a film like this is to give people a big lift (especially teachers)? Why?