US, 1958, 166 minutes, Colour.
Gregory Peck, Charlton Heston, Jean Simmons, Carroll Baker, Burl Ives, Chuck Connors, Charles Bickford.
Directed by William Wyler.
The Big Country is certainly a big Western and recommended to anyone who wants to enjoy and study Westerns, The story is broad in scope, the stars very good, scenery, music very striking. Burl Ives won an Oscar for his performance. Veteran director William Wyler made this film just before Ben Hur.
1. Was this an enjoyable Western? Why? Comment on its scope, its history of origins, sense of history, pioneering in frontier atmosphere? Its picture of the nineteenth century, the United States and traditions, the interpretation of history? Did the film live up to its scope?
2. Comment on the technical side of the film - wide screen, colour, the vastness of themes, atmosphere, music, especially the theme. The Big Country in title and its presentation as grand? The belief of the people in the Big Country and the effect on them of owning the Big Country?
3. How did the film focus attention on James Mc Kay? Audience sympathy for him? The stranger coming from the East. the Eastern gentleman contrasting with the West, especially the early raucous sequences? The values that Jim McKay? stood for love, respect. non-violence? His sincerity and love for truth? His gallantry? His sense of vision in the experience of the Big Country? The film showing him as a good foundation for America? The fact that Gregory Peck played this role and brought his style to it?
4. How interestingly did the film portray the Terrels? Their arrogance, sense of pride, their fight, the major and his ambitions and pig-headedness, his provocation to his enemies, his attitudes towards his daughter, her sharing in these? Lynch's loyalty to these ideals, the sense of hostility to the Hannesseys, especially in the dinner sequence and the confrontation? The irony of the duel in showing the futility of such enmities? How were the Terrels presented as typical of the foundation pioneers of the Big Country and what comment was made on them?
5. How typical a Terrel was Patricia? The way she behaved in the East compared with at home in the West? Her arrogance, her love for Jim, her love for the country, her attitude towards Julie? Her sense of pride in Jim and wanting him to be strong and just like the others? Her wanting to own the land? Her selfishness and her deceptions? What judgments did the audience make on her?
6. How interesting a character was Steve Leach? His own background, his sharing in the Terrel arrogance? His dependence on the major, his humiliation of Jim McKay?, the love motivation and his attitude towards Patricia? The scenes of his harshness to the Hannesseys and the confrontations? why did he rebel against the major? Why did he go back on his loyalty? What values did he represent? His value as a pioneer of the frontier?
7. How attractive a character was Julie? A contrast to Patricia? As poor, as a teacher, rich as an owner, the sequence with the house and her talks with Jim? Her goodness to Pat and to Jim? Her relationship with Buck Hannessey? Her relationship with Rufus and his wanting to get the land from her? As victimized by being captured? Her power in having the deed-of-sale? The fight over her and the effect it had on her? The future and Julie as a pioneer?
8. How sympathetically were the Hannesseys portrayed? Was the film fair to them? Their poverty, victimisation, the vindictive nature of their actions, the need for water and the results on their attitudes? The sons as ne'er-do-wells and persecuting Jim? Buck as a coward compared with the others? Their behaviour towards children? The confrontation at the homestead, the hassling of Jim? The feud and Buck's fear of death? The drama his cowardice and being shot by his father? Was this convincingly dramatic and what insight into the family relationships did it give?
9. How much audience sympathy was there for Rufus? How good was he, how bad? The sequence of his defiance of the major? His treatment by the major? Yet he was as greedy as the major. His attitudes of justice towards Julie? To Jim? To Buck? The foolishness and significance of the canyon duel? Was he any different really from the major in character?
10. What comments on hostility and fighting did the film give? Especially in the final duel?
11. What Western conventions did the film use? How well? what values did it explore well?