US, 1971, 89 Minutes, Colour.
Candice Bergen, Peter Boyle, James Caan, Marcia Rodd, Erin O'Reilly.
Directed by Herbert Ross.
The ugly, impersonal city is the villain of a number of films and its malevolent influence on potentially good people is vividly portrayed. This short film is like this. T.R. Baskin (an effectively subdued and ironic Candice Bergen) comes to the city with a chip about life; through experience, she hardens. Meeting a salesman (Peter "Joe" Boyle convincingly ordinary) she reminisces in flashback on what has happened to her, and then goes back to her apartment. The theme is obvious; it has been said before. But this film, in its
rather low-key realism, is both appealing and saddening.
1. The focus of the title and its seeming impersonal tone, the focus on the girl? An alternative title was A Date with a Lonely Girl. Is this a more appropriate title, more accurate? The focus or change of focus?
2. The importance of the style of the film: colour photography, music, Chicago locations, the atmosphere of the city with its offices, apartments, dating? The atmosphere of this modern city world?
3. Could the film be described as comedy, romance? How much of a message film was it? The blending of comedy and romance and message?
4. Candice Bergin's style as T.R. Baskin? The strengths of her performance? T.R. Baskin as a character, strengths and weaknesses? AS represents the American girl? From the small town with her rather naive and narrow background? The ingenous girl moving to the big city? Finding accommodation, work? Dissatisfaction with both? Friendship, for example with Dale? Following her advice? Encountering men eg. dating Arthur and her annoyance with his attitudes, limited conversation, chauvinism? The challenging of the values and style of the small-town girl? Her adapting to these, not wanting to adapt to these? How real a problem is this for the ordinary girl?
5. The character of Larry and the aspect of masculinity that he represented? His character strengths and weaknesses? His encounter with T.R.? The reason for their spending the night together? The revelation of his attitude in his giving her money? The revelation of her attitude in her angry reaction?
6. The relationship between Larry and Jack Mitchell? Jack's character in himself? The reason for his encounter with T.R.? What he expected of her? The reason for her accepting the afternoon with him? The significance of his talk and so much of it? Its coherence or incoherence? The important issues, his attitudes towards these? How well did T.R. listen? The effect on her? What aspects of masculinity did Jack represent? Jack's final question of her and her retort?
7. The importance of the encounter with T.R. and her parents by phone? The character of her parents and their influence on her? Her reaction to them? The dramatic pathos of the phone call? Its inconclusiveness?
8. The men as types in the film? How were men seen from the feminine point of view? From their own point of view? Arthur, Larry and Jack as symbols of the American man?
9. The contrast with the women and their presentation, their attitudes? Similarities between Dale and T.R.A. differences?
10. How is the film a short parable of the modern girl in the modern world? What is wrong with the modern city world? What values does it have? The style, the city talk? morals, values, questions?