US, 1988, 100 minutes, Colour
Ricky Schroeder, Mary Louise Parker.
Directed by Buzz Kulik.
Too Young the Hero is based on a true story of a 12-year-old boy who enlisted in the Navy at the beginning of America's involvement in World War Two. He pretended that he was 17, was able to overcome all difficulties and after active service was imprisoned in the Navy brig for desertion trying to prove that he was 12 years old.
The film is a vehicle for Ricky Schroeder as a young adult. After his success as a child star in The Champ, Little Lord Fauntleroy, The Earthling, he made a number of telemovies. He shows acting skills in this role.
The film is an interesting piece of Americana, focusing on the small American town, Army training, war action and prisons. Authentic footage of World War Two action is inserted into the film.
A postscript to the film indicates that the hero, who won two Purple Hearts, had his medals and honours restored to him in 1978 by President Carter.
1. Interesting and entertaining telemovie? World War Two? An American boy hero? A piece of Americana?
2. The atmosphere of the '40s, the small American town, recruitment, action? The authentic war footage? The musical score?
3. The structure of the film: Calvin's arrest, imprisonment, the insertion of his memories and the build-up for the audience of what had happened to him? The effect on understanding him, emotionally identifying with him?
4. The film as a true story, its plausibility? Calvin's ability to pretend that he was older, prepare his documents, get out of medical examinations etc.? The results? The postscript about President Carter, the restoration of his honours? His not receiving his war pension? Ricky Schroeder as a credible Calvin?
5. Calvin and Frank as young boys, at the cinema in the '40s, playing around in the town? Playing war? Going home to their mother, her being bashed? The drunken stepfather? The boys attacking him? Leaving home, living with their sister? The sister and her family? Their going to the hotel in the town, Harry and getting accommodation? Their youthfulness, playing around? Frank's decision to go to the war?
6. The credibility of Calvin's decision, his age, going through the various tests, the line-up, getting Harry's stamp to fake the documents? His friend and their going together? officials' suspicions? The details of the training, the effect? His becoming a good sailor? Going to the battleship, the ethos of the ship? His training as a gunner? His skills under fire? The terrors of war? His bravery? The Purple Hearts? The death of his friend, going on the burial detail?
7. His age, manner, talk? Going on leave, his friend lining up for the prostitutes, his not doing anything? making a home there?
8. A boy, being obedient in the Army? The Captain finding out the truth, the fights in the Sailor's' Mess? His grandmother's death and his going on leave? The orders to turn himself in and be discharged? With his sister, the disbelief of the officials, the sealed orders, his imprisonment for desertion?
9. His experiences in the brig, the treatment, the various cellmates, friendships, trying to get messages through to his sister, the scrubbing of the floor, with the toothbrush? Officials not believing him? The brutality of the rape? His not telling the officials what had happened? His birthday, the toothbrush? His being tired?
10. The news of the release, the pressure for Navy loyalty, the articles in the paper, his great relief at being released, reunited with his sister?
11. The experience of a young man, of war, of the American way? Strong delineation of character? The relevance of this story for later generations?