US, 1986, 101 minutes, Colour.
Michael Keaton, Maria Conchito Alonso.
Directed by Robert Mandel.
Touch and Go is a pleasant, if predictable, romantic comedy. It is similar to many American romantic comedies of the past, many telemovies. It was directed by Robert Mandell who made F.X., Murder By Illusion with Bryan Brown. The film is a star vehicle for Michael Keaton (Night Shift, Mr Mom, Johnny Dangerously, Gung Ho). Keaton, a good comedian, attempts a more serious role here. He is playing against Maria Alonzo Conchita as an unmarried mother with a most precocious tough young son, played with sentiment and sharpness. The film has its heart in the right place.
1. An entertaining and pleasing comedy? Heart in the right place? Americana? Sentiment?
2. The use of the Chicago background, life in the slums, affluent society? Sport?
3. The title: sport, chance, human relationships?
4. The portrait of Bobby: Michael Keaton's presence and style, the hockey matches and their toughness, competitiveness, his success, the media, interviews, women approaching him, one night stands? Affluent lifestyle? Rigorous early morning training? His being attacked? Catching Lewis? The clash, tough exchange, not taking him to the police, suspicions about his stories, going home, the note, taking him out to eat? Meeting Denise and her boyfriend? The smashing of his car? Work, the date with Denise (and the hurpour in the toilet)? The dinner at the expensive restaurcht, the real dinner? The night together? His going out - wanting to avoid Denise? Their later meetings, Lewis bringing them together? Telling their stories and listening? Bonds? His position in the team, training, feelings about members being dropped? The coach's ultimatum? The birthday party and the clash with the righteous cousin? Visiting Denise at the funeral parlor, the testt of strengths and weaknesses? The trip to Minnesota, Lewis stowing away, the matches, Lewis and the fight with the fans, the news about the attack, decislons? His return to Chicago? The hospital, chasing the thug with Lewls? The final confrontation? The police? The non-violent stand? The bonds with Lewis, love for Denise? His security, his future, concern?
5. The personnel agency? The happy ending?
6. Lewis and his toughness, relationship with his mother, membership of the gang, mugging people? His stories, inventionis, tough, the police? His hunger? His mother and relationship with her, her demands on him, vice versa, moods? The attack of the gang? Going to his cousin and resenting it? Running away? Turning up at Bobby's apartment, their talk, Bobby administering discipline? The party and his enjoying it, being sick? Stowing away on the bus, the hotel, the fight with the fans? Bobby as his father figure? His mother being bashed, the cousin coming, his anger at Bobby's not returning, the chase, the fight, the happy ending?
7. Denise, her life, work, the unmarried mother, her hopes, relationship with Lewis, the attack, fear? The Proposal for the dinner, the embarrassment of the dinner? Staging with Bobby? Her straightforwardness about this? The clash, Lewis's return, taking him to the cousin's, the party, the list of faults? Lewis stowing away? The melodrama of the attack in the apartment? her own business? A sympathetic portrait?
8. In hospital? The poor streets and apartments of Chicago, gangs, tough, violent, schoolchildren, the attacks, Lewis as part of it, the boys turning on him? - Vengeance? The violence of the attack on Denise? Bobby and Lewis chasing him? The final confrontation? The police?
9. The background of sport, competitiveness, rough hockey matches, rivalries? The coach and his strong stances? ousting members of the team? Final decisions?
10. The American city, its style, pressures, relationships, bonding, family?