Canada, 1991, 95 minutes, Colour.
Lesley Hope, Kyle Mc Culloch, Judah Katz, Jill Riley.
Directed by Gail Singer.
True Confectionsis a delightful Canadian film - set in Winnipeg in the late 1950s, a Jewish family setting. Based loosely on a book by Sandra Gotlieb, the film was written and directed by Gail Singer, known in Canada for her documentaries. The film stars Lesley Hope (Talk Radio, Men at Work) and a Canadian cast. The title sets the tone, it is true confessions - in the style of the late 50s but seen with confectionary colours and nostalgia. The screenplay uses chapter divisions, some long, some short - but enables the audience to dip into the experiences of Verna, the heroine, and her life in Winnipeg. It means that there is continuity - there is no need for strict and accurate plotting. The film has many delightful and enjoyable sequences. However, there is a rueful attitude underlying the whole film: teenagers trapped in life in Winnipeg, the prejudice against Jews in the Canadian community, the hopes for opportunity in moving out to places like New York, contrasting with the possibilities for marriage and motherhood in Winnipeg. While the material is familiar enough, the writing and the perfromances give vitality and verve to this particular treatment.
1. An entertaining Canadian production? A memoir of the 50s? Nostalgia and regrets, a wry interpretation of the past? The feminine perspective?
2. The city and surroundings of Winnipeg, the prairies, the severe winters, the farm and city locations? Homes, school, the town, the cinema? The shops? The musical score and songs?
3. The title, its tone, colourful?
4. The structure of the film: the chapters, the titles, obvious, subtle? The effect of these glimpses? The tone of the film, the serious and the comic?
5. The portrait of the family of the 50s, the nuclear family. the bonds? The Jewish family living in the middle of Canada, its style? The expectations. marriage and family? Success? The experience of anti-semitic prejudice?
6. The focus on Verna as heroine, young, enthusiastic, wise-cracking? The opening with the movies, William Holden and Picnic? The talk in the women's room, the frank talk about biological functions? (And that tone throughout the film)? At school, friends, expectations - and the unexpected Wasp anti-Semitic remark? The preoccupation about boys and sexuality? Verna and the expectations of her relationship with Harvey, his style, going out with him? Her attraction to Kenny - and imagining him sharing with her friends and with Verna? The Beat poet, the gift, her rejecting him as a James Dean type? Her poet and going to hear him - the questions, her comment on Winnipeg life? The drink with him and his coming on to her? Her naivity - but her shrewdness in rejecting him? His invitation to come to New York, planning, deceiving her parents, packing? Going to the train, waiting with Kenny? his not showing up? Going to the camp - life at the camp, the activities, the music? Attraction towards Kenny - his outbursts against her, avoiding her - and her glimpsing him with the Rabbi? The disappearance of Kenny?
7. Norma and her girlfriends, their Jewishishness, the Wasp girl and her indiscreet comments? Norma and her support, pregnancy, concern, the money? Martin and his presence at the camp, the families talking about him, Verna talking with him? His superior attitudes, Oxford background? The dates, the engagement? The planning for the wedding in its detail? His treatment of her, his correcting her? The further encounter with Harvey, his enticing her home, the attempted rape and her reaction? Her brothers going and fighting with Harvey?
8. Verna and her relationship with her mother, her mother's wisdom, talking? Father and his presiding over the family? Her brother and his medical studies, support, fighting with Harvey? Her embarrassment about her grandmother - but hearing her on the radio, her grandmother being on side? Supporting Verna for the marriage?
9. The crisis on the wedding morning? The preparations for the marriage, the issue of the coat, Harvey sending the inspectors, the humiliation of the family, Verna being humiliated? Mark being humiliated and the breaking off of the wedding? Verna free and able to leave Winnipeg?
10. The portrait of the family in detail, at home, meals? Conversations, expressions of hope? The Jewish tradition? Ronnie and his hopes to be a doctor? Harvey and the expectations about him, the way of talking about Kenny and his going off with the Rabbi? Martin and the preparations for the marriage, the handling of the crisis?
11. Verna and her girlfriends and their talking, preoccupation about sex? Friendship, going to the camp? Norma and her night out, the black man, her pregnancy? The interview with the nun? Concern about the child, the abortion? Verna getting her the money? Martin's reaction against it?
12. Harvey, type, place in the town, work, regard for Verna? His mannerisms? Verna's not being attracted? His control, his breakdown of control, inviting Verna home, his behaviour, the attempted rape? His vindictiveness with the coat - and the family?
13. Kenny as the idealised young man, going to hear the Beat poet, going to camp, his reactions against Verna, the embrace with the Rabbi and leaving town?
14. The grandmother, her arguing at the shops? Her going to the head of the medical school and arguing, putting pressure to bear about prejudice? Going on the radio, the interviews with Rev Risler, highlighting prejudice? The good news about Ronnie's acceptance? A successful campaigner?
15. Martin, his snobbery, age, expectations, the lifestyle of his parents - and the humorous parrallel as the wives went out and the husbands went to clean the car?
16. Martin's parents, the preparations for the wedding? The two mothers going to the cook and caterer and discussing menus? The dress preparations? The bleeding nose and Verna getting blood on the dress - and their having to get it ready for the wedding?
17. Uncle Rex, at work, his love for Noreen, Maureen and her place in Winnipeg? Her taking instructions about the Jewish religion? The gossiping woman who instructed her? Seeing bad motives in Noreen's conversion? Wanting to gossip at home? Verna and her attack on her? Her going to help Noreen? The issue of the coat and hiding it?
18. Details of life in the Canadian city? The characters within this context? Winnipeg as not enough for fulfilment of hopes? Hopes and the future?