Colombia, 1981, 98 minutes, Colour.
Directed by Jorge Ali Triana.
A Time To Die is a Colombian/Cuban co-production. It is an action feature with psychological overtones, reminiscent of many of the westerns of the '50s.
It has excellent location atmosphere, a portrait of a small Colombian town, explores the theme of the macho image in this Latin American society. it is also a revenge action story, a film of vendetta which focuses on a family, and an older man who has paid his debt to society in prison.
The film is a significant move for the Colombian film industry. When the film is compared with international product, it seems somewhat derivative. However, of itskind, it is well-acted and moves with pace and emotion.
1. Interesting and entertaining film? The Colombian1Cuban? co-production? Latin American cinema?
2. Atmosphere: the prison, the country, the town? Use of locations, beauty, ruggedness?
3. The familiar story: the typical revenge story, justicem hatred? Violence?
4. The macho image: julian-and the memory of his father, his father's anger,hatred and heritage? Pedro caught up in this image? Juan and his past, his present? Macho image and honour, pride, vanity? Tough, life and death? The lyrics of the final ballad?
5. The film's portrait of Juan: the credits sequences and his leaving prison, his journey in the bus, arrival in the town, the absence of 18 years and its effect on him, on the town? His story:, the confrontation with Moscote? Death, the payment in prison for his murder? In himself, his dignity, hopes and longings? Reactions to the people in the town? The possibility of death? Fear? The reunion with Mariana? The build-up to the provocation, the confrontation with Julian? Killing him? His own death? Was it possible for him to live? was his death a matter of fate?
6. Juan's encounters with people in the town: the blacksmith and the memory of his father, the saddle, the horse? The wife to Pedro? The barman and his friendship? The support of the mayor? Sonia's family and their explaining what had happened? The old man in bed playing Russian Roulette? Acceptance in the town, people wishing him to go? His mother's death, the visit to the grave? The old home and his wanting to rebuild?
7. The love for Mariana, the story of her marriage, child, her honourable husband, his looking after Juan's mother? The reunion? The effect on Mariana, her concern about her appearance, her love for Juan, wanting him to leave and be safe? Her visit to Sonia, her giving Juan the gun? The pathos of the farewell? A spoilt life?
8. Julian and his obsessiveness, his macho image? The visit, to the prostitute and his impotence? The warnings to Juan? The clashes with Pedro, the family story, the bloodstained coat of the father? His shooting up the town and the market? Chasing Juan? The challenge? The final fight? His hesitation? Death? Pedro and the influence of brother and father? Admiration for his father, belief in the vendetta? The encounter with Juan? Friendship? Sonials pleading? The brutal fight with his brother? Coming to the arena, the power of the vendetta, his shooting Juan, in the back? The camera moving upwards and leaving Pedro confused in the arena?
9. Pedro and.his friendliness, love for Sonia, the possibility of his change of heart, the fight with Jullan? The irony of the time to die focused on Pedro?
10. The portrait of the characters in the town: the blacksmith and his tear, helping Juan? The barman? Helping Juan with the biood on his face? The mayor and his authority? Sonia's family telling the story? The old roulette man?
11. A revenge film? Latin American style? The impact for local audiences? Impact for world-wide audiences?