US, 1969, 98 minutes, Colour.
Alex Cord, Britt Ekland, Patrick O’ Neal, Joseph Wiseman, Barbara Mc Nair, John Dehner, Titos Vandis, Eduardo Cianelli, Roy Scheider, Lincoln Kilpatrick.
Directed by Bernard L. Kowalski.
Stiletto is a 1960s Mafia thriller, anticipating the Godfather films and their many imitators.
Harold Robbins, popular writer of such films as The Carpetbaggers, The Adventurers, contributed to this film. It is the familiar story of a suave character who, behind the scenes, is a Mafia hit-man. When he decides to retire, the Mafia chiefs decide that they don’t want him to retire – except at the hands of hit-men whom they send out to get him.
Alex Cord was in a number of films as hero at this particular time but had a short career as a star. The film has a strong character cast as well as some cameos from people who were to emerge like Charles Durning, Raoul Julia and M. Emmett Walsh.
The film was directed by Bernard L. Kowalski who made his name as a television director. Familiar material.
1. Was this a good thriller? Why? What were its best features?
2. Did this thriller offer much insights into organisations like the Mafia and their working?
3. Was the theme of the film well portrayed in the monochrome initial sequences? How did it show that Cesare was under the power of Mateo?
4. Was Cesare an interesting central character? Was he too repellent? Did the audience have any sympathy with him? How did this effect the audiences interest in the film?
5. What are your reactions to this world of money dealings, power, crime, casino dealing? Why?
6. Was Baker a sympathetic character? Did he uphold the law well? Did he have any right to work outside the framework of law? Why had he become obsessed with Mateo? How did this obsession ruin his life? Were you expecting him to be killed at the and? (His eyes were the final focus of the film).
7. The prosecutor - did he have the correct ideas about law? Procedure, about the deportation of Mateo?
8. Mateo and his power? how sinister a person was he? How do people like him come into power? Did his character and his behaviour give insights into mafia chiefs? (The relationship of his work in America to the head in Italy?)
9. How easy is it for a criminal to live in this world? What must be the reactions of police and investigators who have to live with this kind of world and have to combat it? And find so many avenues closed to them and frustrating?
10. The two female characters - were they interesting, sympathetically presented as real persons? What function did they perform in the film?
11. Comment an the effectiveness on the cinematic techniques of presenting the murders.
12. Mateo’s pressure on Baker? did this generate suspense? Did you at all hope that he would become
Mateo’s victim? Why?
13. What was the Impact of Baker's coming to the end of his search, finding enough evidence, but shooting Mateo vindictively? The impact of his being shot?
14. Have films like this any other value then mere entertainment? Why?