US, 1979, 96 minutes, Colour.
Angie Dickenson, Gordon Pinsent, Peter Donat.
Directed by John Newland.
This film takes a difficult theme for a telemovie. It portrays an American family, the disappointment of the father in his career and his subsequent taking of his life. The film focuses on the response of his wife - her having to cope with the fact, her puzzling over the motives, her unravelling some of the mysteries of her husband's personality and trying to assimilate these. She also has to cope with the damaging effect of the experience on her son. The film is rather melodramatic and soap operatic in its treatment rather than straightforward. However, this may be a helpful for a wide home audience to respond to this theme. be able to watch it and reflect on it. The film is also a vehicle for Angie Dickenson who does very well in the difficult role. She also looks her age. The film is important for the themes and the issues that it raises even though they might have been done so much more tellingly.
1. The relevance of the theme, its authenticity, reality? The subject for drama? The presentation for a telemovie and the home audience? The style of treatment needed? hard, soft? Sympathetic sentiment? For what audience was the film made? Women empathising?
2. The soap opera style of the screen play - suitable for serious study, authenticity? A view of a situation and the eliciting of empathy?
3. Audience response to telemovies – emotional, involvement, understanding? Angie Dickenson and her popularity? Colour photography, West Coast locations, the score?
4. The atmosphere of California - representing the United States? The atmosphere of university, family, school, ordinary people anywhere?
5. The establishing of the family: bonds, joy, domestic sequences, picnics and swims? The family knowing each other and not knowing? The establishing of the characters - especially for their response to the suicide, the changes in their lives?
6. Diana at home? family woman, supporting her husband. Watching Mark growing? Her idolizing Wayne? Her seeing him an a scholar? Her love for him as husband? The situation of academic hopes, changing homes and settling down? Wayne and his hopes, real view of life, unreality?
7. The portrait of Wayne? the important sketching him in to make an impact after his death? The classroom scene, the student arguing with him, his asking him to leave, the interview and his not getting the job, later information that he had taken the money from the bank and published his book, its lack of popularity? The finality of the decision to kill himself and his seeming calm? His taking Mark to school, love making with his wife, his last words about her? The dramatic impact of his death?
8. Diana and her having to face the reality of Wayne's death, the fact, letting Mark know, getting him back from school, the practical arrangements for the police, taking the body away? The funeral and grief? Talking with people afterwards and their curiosity, blame, questions? The business world and people's hostility? Her grief and puzzling why? The discussions with Alan and probing Wayne's character. discovery about the money, the publication of the book, her refusal of delivery of the book, her anger? Mark and his withdrawing, the school sequence, the boy mocking his father? His taking the death very hardly, the diaries and idealizing his father? Mark's suspicions of his mother especially the outing with Alan, her spending the night with him? The build-up to moving, the garage sale? The beach sequence with Sharon and Mark pretending to have drowned? Diana’s anger and the confrontation? The importance of details of meals, the two cars, harshness, the inquiry about how each other felt?
9. Sharon as a friend, as a balance, her stories, support?
10. Mark and his withdrawing, taking the dots of blood, his school experience and the boy's mockery, listening to his music, making up stories about his father, smoking, abuse of his mother, pretending to drown? The resolution and facing the future?
11. The sketch of Alan - as friend, his inquiries, the book, the evening together, the garage sale? beach sequence with Sharon and Mark pretending to have drowned? Diana’s anger and the confrontation? The importance of details of meals, the two cars, harshness, the inquiry about how each other felt?